W. Va. Code § 19-13-6
It shall be unlawful for a person to knowingly maintain an abandoned apiary or bee equipment. When the commissioner determines that an apiary or bee equipment has been abandoned, he or she shall notify, in writing, the owner or operator that the apiary or bee equipment has been declared abandoned. The owner or operator has thirty days from the date of notice to enclose, dispose of or destroy the abandoned apiary or bee equipment in a manner approved by the commissioner. If the owner or operator of the abandoned apiary or bee equipment cannot be located after reasonable inquiry, notice shall be provided to the owner of the real property on which the apiary or bee equipment is located. If the apiary or bee equipment continues to be abandoned for a period of thirty days thereafter, the commissioner may seize the apiary or bee equipment and take such action as is necessary to dispose of or to destroy the apiary or bee equipment as conditions warrant.
W. Va. Code § 19-13-6