Section 19-11-6 - Purchase of milk(a) No determination of the weight or measure of milk may be made from a milk producer's tank that is not properly calibrated and level.(b) No determination of the weight of milk in a transport tank may be made with a device that is not accurate.(c) Each person obtaining a sample of milk for the purpose of establishing a purchase price shall immediately record the sample data on the receipt. The receipt shall contain the milk producer's name or number, the date and time of the sample, the temperature of the product, the measuring rod reading, the calculated weight, the name of the employer of the weigher and sampler and the signature of the weigher and sampler. A copy of the receipt shall be left with the milk producer, or seller, at the time of obtaining the sample.(d) No test on milk may be made from a sample which is in such condition as to prevent an accurate reading of the components in the product.(e) Only testing methods approved by the commissioner may be used. The Babcock method or other method approved by the commissioner shall be the reference method to establish calibration of other milk fat test methods.(f) Each person making tests of samples of milk for the purpose of establishing a purchase price for such milk shall cause the test results to be accurately recorded in an unalterable or verifiable manner. Each method for recording test results may be examined by the commissioner to determine that the test results are recorded in an unalterable or verifiable manner. All test results shall identify the milk producer or seller of the milk, the results of each test for the components in the product and an identification of the person doing the test. The records shall be filed at the place where the testing occurred for a minimum of one year and shall be available to the milk producer, other seller, or the commissioner upon request.(g) Each person testing milk for its components shall retain the remainder of the sample when the commissioner so requests for the purpose of verifying sample results.(h) Each person providing payment to a milk producer or seller of milk on the basis of component content or weight or measure shall provide to the milk producer or seller at each time of payment a statement showing for each milk producer or seller the pay period, total weight or measure of milk received during this period, and the average content of the component(s) of the milk used to establish the purchase price; except that this statement format shall not apply to sales between milk cooperatives and purchasers of milk from cooperatives. Nothing in this requirement may prohibit persons purchasing or receiving milk from giving a more detailed report to the milk producer or seller.