Section 18B-3F-3 - Appointment of institutional board of governors(a) Effective June 30, 2013, Bridgemont Community and Technical College and Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College become one independent, multicampus community and technical college administered by its own governing board under the jurisdiction and authority of the council and subject to all applicable provisions of this chapter and chapter eighteen-c of this code, and to continued fulfillment of institutional accreditation requirements. The boards of governors of Bridgemont Community and Technical College and Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College are abolished on June 30, 2013. (1) The consolidated institution is comprised of existing campuses in Montgomery and South Charleston and any other campuses that may be established in the future, in accordance with the Higher Learning Commission standards of accreditation.(2) The board of governors of the consolidated institution shall develop, implement and complete the reorganization by July 1, 2014.(3) Beginning on July 1, 2013, and thereafter, any reference in this code to Bridgemont Community and Technical College or Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College means the multicampus institution created pursuant to this article.(b) Initial appointments to the board of governors of the reorganized institution are made pursuant to the provisions of section one, article two-a of this chapter, except as follows:(1) As soon after the effective date of this article as practicable, but before July 1, 2013, the Governor shall select lay citizen members of the board of governors for the consolidated institution from the former lay citizen members of each of the boards of governors of the affected institutions. The Governor shall appoint an equal number of lay citizen members from each of the boards of the affected institutions. One such member serves a one-year term only, after which that membership position is not reappointed.(2) One of the initial appointments is for a term of one year, four of the initial appointments are for terms of four years and five of the initial appointments are for terms of three years.(3) Until June 30, 2014, all of the constituent members of the boards of governors of the affected institutions representing faculty, classified employees and students serve as members on the board of governors of the reorganized institution. Beginning July 1, 2014, the constituent members of the reorganized institution are appointed according to the provisions of section one, article two-a of this chapter.(c) At the end of each initial term, and thereafter, an appointment to the board of governors of the consolidated institution, either to fill a vacancy or to reappoint a member who is eligible to serve an additional term, shall be made in accordance with section one, article two-a of this chapter.(d) The chancellor shall call the first meeting of the board of governors as soon after June 30, 2013, as feasible, at which time the members shall elect a chairperson and other officers pursuant to article two-a of this chapter. Thereafter, the board shall hold an annual meeting in June of each year for the purpose of electing officers.Added by 2013 Acts, ch. 94 (SB 438), eff. 4/13/2013.