(e) The board of trustees shall facilitate a meeting at least quarterly for the chief administrators of each primary health care education site established pursuant to this article and each chief administrator at other rural health care facilities providing educational and clinical experiences to students, interns and residents at the state's schools of medicine. The meetings shall commence no later than the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred ninety-two, and shall be for the purpose of discussing the status, efficiency and effectiveness of the various programs and their operation and recommending any changes to the board of trustees, which may include statutory recommendations to be made to the Legislature. In addition to the reports otherwise required and commencing with a report for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred ninety-one, the chief administrators shall submit to the board of trustees an annual evaluation of the extent to which the goals set forth in section four of this article and other goals relating to collaborative efforts between the schools of medicine and rural health care facilities are being attained. Such report shall be forwarded annually in its entirety to the governor, the president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Delegates no later than the fifteenth day of January.