Section 18A-2A-1 - Supplemental duty calendar provisions(a) In this section, "supplemental duty" means a duty other than a duty assigned under an employee's contract that is generally expected to be performed during an educational day and which may be governed by an agreement, other than the employee's contract, between the district and the employee.(b) Not later than the 15th day before the first day of the employment term of each school year, the county board shall adopt and provide to each classroom teacher, full-time counselor, and full-time librarian employed by the district a calendar that specifies the days each employee is expected to work for that school year: Provided, That any supplemental duty exceeding the eight hour contracted day shall be by agreement with the employee and preapproved by the county superintendent or by his or her designee, unless the supplemental duty is the result of an unanticipated emergency, and shall be paid in accordance with the agreement between the employee and the county.Added by 2024 Acts, ch. TBD (HB 5262), eff. 6/7/2024.