W. Va. Code § 18-5-26
The Legislature finds that school facilities are suitable for the provision of child day care and that such day care centers are needed by school personnel and other parents in the school and the community. Therefore, on or before the first day of April of each year, each county board of education shall compile a list of facilities under the jurisdiction of the county board of education which would have space available for child day care for the benefit of school employees and others during the next ensuing school year. Such space shall be made available thereafter for use as a child day care facility upon the decision of the county board or upon written request therefor by a duly authorized representative of the local membership of a statewide association of school personnel, a parent-teacher association or any other entity recognized by the county board as suitably responsible for the implementation of such program in the county until such time as the space is deleted from the list for good cause shown.
The child care facility shall be operated in accordance with guidelines to be adopted by a committee appointed by the state superintendent which shall include representatives of the legislature, the department of human services, at least two individuals active in statewide associations of school personnel, at least two individuals active in parent-teacher associations, and at least two county school administrators. Such guidelines may provide that the child day care facility be funded by the parents, the school personnel or parent-teacher associations, the county board of education or any combination of funding, including independent or federal funding sources. Within such guidelines and dependent upon adequate facilities and personnel, any county board of education may extend use of the child day care facility to other than school personnel.
Upon decision by the county board and in accordance with state law, any child care facility operated pursuant to the provisions of this section may be deemed operated by the county for purposes of liability and insurance. Personnel hired therefor may be deemed county school personnel or may be independent contractors pursuant to a management contract entered into between the county board and the child care providers. Any parent-teacher association, school personnel association or other entity involved in implementation of the program may also be party to such contract.
Schools need not be open for any other purpose for such day care centers to operate.
W. Va. Code § 18-5-26