W. Va. Code § 18-2E-1a

Current through 2024 Second Special Session
Section 18-2E-1a - Standards, assessment and accountability programs; duties of the state board
(a) Prior to adoption or revision of academic standards in mathematics, English language arts, science and social studies, the state board shall constructively engage with the legislative oversight commission on education accountability as outlined in subsection (b). Prior to adoption of a new statewide summative assessment, the state board shall constructively engage with the legislative oversight commission on education accountability on the assessment program it intends to adopt to measure the progress of public school students in attaining a high quality education. Prior to the full implementation of a new accountability system, state board shall develop and recommend to the legislative oversight commission on education accountability an accountability program to help ensure a thorough and efficient system of schools. In developing the standards, assessment program and the accountability program, the state board shall take into consideration recommendations arising from any legislative interim study undertaken at the direction of the joint committee on government and finance and also shall take into consideration any recommendations made by the legislative oversight commission on education accountability.
(b) As part of their on-going responsibility for developing and implementing a program of standards, assessments and a program of accountability, the state board:
(1) Is prohibited from implementing the Common Core academic standards;
(2) Shall allow West Virginia educators the opportunity to participate in the development of the academic standards;
(3) Shall provide by rule for a cyclical review, by West Virginia educators, of any academic standards that are proposed by the state board;
(4) Shall review assessment tools, including tests of student performance and measures of school and school system performance, and determine when any improvements or additions are necessary;
(5) Shall consider multiple assessments, including, but not limited to, a state testing program developed in conjunction with the state's professional educators with assistance from such knowledgeable consultants as may be necessary, which may include criterion referenced tests;
(6) Is prohibited from adopting the Smarter Balanced Assessment system or the PARCC assessment system as the statewide summative assessment;
(7) Shall review all accountability measures, such as the accreditation and personnel evaluation systems and consider any improvements or additions deemed necessary; and
(8) Shall ensure that all statewide assessments of student performance are secure.
(c) The state board shall not adopt any national or regional testing program tied to federal funding, or national or regional academic standards tied to federal funding, without oversight by the legislative oversight commission on education accountability.

W. Va. Code § 18-2E-1a

Amended by 2017 Acts, ch. 72 (HB 2711), eff. 7/7/2017.