Section 18-2-5f - Use of student social security numbers(a)Restrictions on use of student social security numbers. -- No public or private elementary or secondary school or college or university shall display any student's social security number to identify students for posting or public listing of grades, on class rosters or other lists provided to teachers, on student identification cards, in student directories or similar listings, or, unless specifically authorized or required by law, for any public identification purpose: Provided, That any student identification cards, directories or similar listings produced prior to July 1, 2002 shall not be subject to the provisions of this section.(b)Use of social security numbers. -- Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the higher education policy commission, state institutions of higher education, state board of education, county boards of education or the public or private schools from using a student's social security number for internal record keeping purposes or studies.(c)Social security number or alternative required for enrollment or attendance in public school. --(1) Effective on the first day of July, two thousand three, the appropriate county board shall request the parent, guardian, or other responsible person to furnish the social security number of each child who is currently enrolled in a public school under the jurisdiction of the county board.(2) Prior to admitting a child to a public school in this state, the appropriate county board shall request the parent, guardian, or other responsible person to furnish the social security number for each child who is to be enrolled after the first day of July, two thousand three.(3) The county board shall inform the parent, guardian or other responsible person that, if he or she declines to provide a social security number for a child who is currently enrolled or for a child to be enrolled, the county board shall assign to the child a nine-digit number as designated by the state board.(4) For any student who is attending a public school and for whom a social security number has not been provided, the county board shall make a request annually to the parent, guardian, or other responsible person to furnish the social security number.