Section 18-2-42 - Providing career and technical education program information to students and parents; transcript of post-secondary credit; career technical education student participation in graduation ceremony(a) The State Board of Education, the Council for Community and Technical College Education, and the Department of Commerce shall coordinate efforts for the collection and dissemination of information on the career and technical cluster and major programs of study established for the public schools including, but not limited to, the following: (1) Programs of study and the curriculum of courses at the secondary and post-secondary level established pursuant to §18B-3C-4 of this code that lead to an industry-recognized credential, a certificate of applied science degree or an associate degree that satisfy a workforce need;(2) Programs of study and the curriculum of courses at the secondary level recognized pursuant to §21-1E-1 et seq. of this code, §29-3-9 of this code and §30-1E-1 et seq. of this code as satisfying a portion of the requirements for an apprenticeship and other employer sponsored training programs, as well as any associated programs of study and the curriculum of courses at the post-secondary level that enable the student to also satisfy the requirements for an associate degree; and(3) The EDGE program, established by §18-13-1 et seq. of this code, which provides the opportunity for the student to obtain articulated credits that count toward high school graduation requirements, as well as count toward the student's achievement of a certificate or associate degree.(b) The dissemination of the information on programs of study as provided in subsection (a) of this section shall be easily accessible to all students and their parents beginning in the middle school grades.(c) All post-secondary credits earned by a public school student through the EDGE program and any other articulated credit and dual credit program shall be transcripted and provided to the student by the post-secondary institution at which the credit was earned.(d) Any career technical education student who fulfills the high school graduation requirements required of other students in the district in which he or she is enrolled shall be eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony in the same manner as all other students in the district. Added by 2019 Acts, ch. 97 (HB 2004), eff. 6/6/2019.