Section 17-4A-3 - Complete Streets Advisory Board(a) A Complete Streets Advisory Board to the Division of Highways is established to: (1) Provide and facilitate communication, education and advice between the Division of Highways, counties, municipalities, interest groups, and the public;(2) Make recommendations to the Division of Highways, counties, and municipalities for restructuring procedures, updating design guidance, providing educational opportunities to employees, and creating new measures to track the success of multimodal planning and design; and(3) Submit to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance, through the Division of Highways, an annual report as outlined herein.(b) The advisory board shall consist of 15 members, designated as follows: (1) The Commissioner of Highways or his or her designee;(2) The Secretary of the Department of Transportation or his or her designee;(3) The Secretary of the Department of Health or his or her designee; and(4) Twelve members who serve at the will and pleasure of the Governor and appointed by the Governor as follows:(A) One member who is a licensed engineer with expertise in transportation or civil engineering;(B) One member representing the American Planning Association;(C) One member representing a state association of counties;(D) One member representing state association of municipalities;(E) One member representing a major regional or local public transportation agency;(F) One member representing a national association of retired persons;(G) One member representing an organization interested in the promotion of bicycling;(H) One member representing an organization interested in the promotion of walking and health;(I) One member representing an organization representing persons with disabilities;(J) One member representing an automobile and/or trucking organization; and(K) Two members of the general public interested in promoting complete streets policies, one representing each congressional district, as determined by the Governor.(c) The Commissioner of Highways shall serve as the first chair of the board. The board shall meet at least twice a year and at the call of the chair or a majority of the members. The members of the board shall annually elect one of its members to serve as chair after the first year.(d) The initial terms of appointment for members appointed by the Governor shall be as follows: Three members appointed to a term of one year, three members appointed to a term of two years, three members appointed to a term of three years and four members appointed to a term of four years. Thereafter each member shall be appointed for four years. A member shall serve until his or her successor is appointed. In the case of a vacancy the appointee shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term. Members of the board may succeed themselves and shall serve without compensation. The members appointed by the Governor are entitled to be reimbursed in a manner consistent with the guidelines of the Travel Management Office of the Department of Administration for actual and necessary mileage expenses incurred while attending official meetings of the board.(e) On December 1, the board shall submit an annual report to the Governor, the Commissioner of Highways and the Joint Committee on Government and Finance on the status of implementation of section one of this article. (1) The annual report shall include the following information: (A) A summary of actions taken by the Division of Highways in the preceding year to improve the safety, access and mobility of roadways pursuant to section one of this article;(B) Modifications made to or recommended for protocols, guidance, standards or other requirements to facilitate complete streets implementation;(C) Status of the development of multimodal performance indicators;(D) Any information obtained on the use made of bicycle, pedestrian, transit, and highway facilities together with the existing target level of use for these modes, if any;(E) Available crash statistics by mode, age, road type, and location and other relevant factors; and(F) Other related information that may be requested by the Governor or Legislature.(2) The Division of Highways may assist the board in the preparation of the board's annual report.Amended by 2024 Acts, ch. TBD (HB 4274), eff. 1/22/2024.Amended by 2022SP2 Acts, ch. TBD (SB 2006), eff. 7/24/2022.Added by 2013 Acts, ch. 33 (SB 158), eff. 7/9/2013.