W. Va. Code § 17-17-29
All rights, powers, privileges and functions which are conferred upon or vested in said West Virginia bridge commission by sections fifteen to twenty-eight, inclusive, of the official code of West Virginia, are hereby transferred to, conferred upon, and vested in the state road commissioner of West Virginia; and the state road commissioner of West Virginia is hereby charged with the performance of all duties, contracts and other obligations imposed upon the said West Virginia bridge commission by said sections fifteen to twenty-eight, inclusive, of said official code of West Virginia. Wherever the word "commission" is used in sections fifteen to twenty-eight, inclusive, of article seventeen of chapter seventeen of the official code of West Virginia, or either thereof, or in any amendment thereto, it shall, from and after the time this section becomes effective, mean and refer to the said state road commissioner of West Virginia.
W. Va. Code § 17-17-29