- Section 16-5-1 - Definitions
- Section 16-5-2 - Establishment of section of vital statistics in Bureau for Public Health
- Section 16-5-3 - Department of Health to propose legislative rules
- Section 16-5-4 - Appointment of State Registrar of Vital Statistics
- Section 16-5-5 - Powers and duties of State Registrar
- Section 16-5-6 - Registration districts
- Section 16-5-7 - Appointment and removal of local registrars and deputy local registrars
- Section 16-5-8 - Duties of local registrars and deputy local registrars
- Section 16-5-9 - Content of certificates and reports
- Section 16-5-9a - Legal residences to be included on certificates of death
- Section 16-5-10 - Birth registration acknowledgment and rescission of paternity
- Section 16-5-11 - Registration of infants and minors born with specified birth defects
- Section 16-5-12 - Notation on birth records of missing children
- Section 16-5-12a - Repealed
- Section 16-5-12b - Repealed
- Section 16-5-13 - Registration of infants of unknown parentage
- Section 16-5-14 - Delayed registration of births
- Section 16-5-15 - Judicial procedure to establish facts of birth
- Section 16-5-16 - Certificate of adoption
- Section 16-5-17 - Court reports of determination of paternity
- Section 16-5-18 - Certificates of birth following adoption, legitimation, paternity acknowledgment and court determination of paternity
- Section 16-5-18a - Repealed
- Section 16-5-18b - Repealed
- Section 16-5-19 - Death registration
- Section 16-5-20 - Delayed registration of death
- Section 16-5-21 - Reports of fetal death
- Section 16-5-21a - Noah's Law; certificate of birth for a stillbirth; and contents of certificate
- Section 16-5-22 - Reports of abortions
- Section 16-5-23 - Authorization for disposition and disinterment and reinterment permits
- Section 16-5-24 - Extension of time for filing certificates, reports and authorizations
- Section 16-5-25 - Correction and amendment of vital records
- Section 16-5-26 - Reproduction and preservation of records
- Section 16-5-27 - Disclosure of information from vital records or vital reports
- Section 16-5-28 - Copies from the system of vital statistics
- Section 16-5-29 - Fees for copies and searches
- Section 16-5-30 - Persons required to keep records
- Section 16-5-31 - Duty to furnish information relative to vital events
- Section 16-5-32 - Matching of birth and death certificates
- Section 16-5-33 - Limitation on use of social security numbers
- Section 16-5-34 - Uniform system of registration of marriage, divorce and annulment of marriage
- Section 16-5-35 - Registration of marriages
- Section 16-5-36 - Registration of divorces and annulments of marriages
- Section 16-5-37 - Applicability to previously received certificates and reports
- Section 16-5-38 - Penalties