Section 16-4C-6a - Emergency medical services agency licensure(a) Any person who proposes to establish or maintain an emergency medical services agency shall file an application with the commissioner which includes the identity of the applicant, any parent or affiliated entity, the proposed level of service and the number of emergency medical service response vehicles of the agency or proposed agency. The commissioner may require that additional information be included on each application.(b) Upon receipt and review of the application the commissioner shall issue a license if he or she finds that the applicant meets the requirements and quality standards, to be established by the commissioner, for an emergency medical services agency license, and if the applicant has certified under penalty of perjury that he or she is current with all lawful obligations owed the State of West Virginia, excluding obligations owed in the current quarter, including, but not limited to, payment of taxes and workers' compensation premiums: Provided, That the certification set forth in this paragraph is required for the original application and subsequent renewals.