Section 16-15-7b - Joint undertakings by authorities; areas of operation(a) Any two or more authorities may join or cooperate with one another in the exercise of any or all of their powers for the purpose of financing, planning, undertaking, constructing or operating a housing development or developments located within the area of operation of any one or more such authorities or for the administration of other housing programs.(b) The area of operation of a housing authority shall be one of the following: (1) In the case of a housing authority established by a city, the authority's area of operation shall be the city and the area within ten miles from the territorial boundaries thereof. Depending upon the geographical location of the city, the area of operation may include portions of one or more counties. It may also include areas lying within the territorial boundaries of cities outside the city establishing the housing authority. In order to resolve territorial conflicts, the following rules shall apply: (A) In the case of the housing authority's home county, it may operate outside of the area described in this subsection in the unincorporated areas of the home county without the need for the county's consent unless the home county has established its own housing authority. If the home county has established a housing authority, then the city's housing authority may operate outside the area described above only with the consent of the county housing authority;(B) In the case of incorporated areas of a home county, the housing authority may only operate within the territorial boundaries thereof by consent of the other city and its housing authority, if any;(C) In the case of unincorporated portions of counties other than the housing authority's home county, it may operate only with the consent of the governing body of the other county, regardless of whether the other county has established a housing authority;(D) In the case of incorporated areas within other counties, it may operate only with the consent of the governing body of any city incorporating such areas, and, if the other city has also established its own housing authority, with the consent of the other housing authority;(E) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a housing authority may, subject to the limitations stated in this article, provide rental assistance to persons residing outside the authority's area of operation as defined in this section. For purposes of this section, the term "home county" means the county in which the city establishing the housing authority is situated.
(2) In the case of a housing authority established by a county, the authority's area of operation shall be all of the county except that portion which lies within the territorial boundaries of any city in which a housing authority has been established.(3) In the case of a regional housing authority, the authority's area of operation shall be an area equivalent to the total areas of operation which the housing authorities, if created separately by political subdivisions establishing the regional housing authority, would have, when aggregated. The area of operation of a regional housing authority shall not include any area which lies within the territorial boundaries of any city or county in which a housing authority has been established and which city or county is not a participant in the regional authority: Provided, That the housing authority of the city or county and its governing body may consent to the operation of one or more developments by the regional housing authority within the city's or county's territorial boundaries.(4) Whether due to changes in the boundaries of cities or counties which have established housing authorities, or the establishment of new housing authorities, or for any other reason, territories may exist that include the area of operation of two or more housing authorities. Such areas shall be areas of concurrent jurisdiction. No housing authority whose area of operation includes an area of concurrent jurisdiction shall construct, acquire or develop any new housing development within the area of concurrent jurisdiction without the written agreement of the other authority.(5) Any housing development established by a housing authority pursuant to law shall continue to be maintained and operated by the housing authority establishing the development or its designee, unless the development is conveyed to another housing authority or to a city, county or other public agency or is otherwise disposed of in accordance with law.(6) Notwithstanding the area of operation as defined herein, all housing authorities shall have the jurisdiction and authority to cooperate and contract with any other housing authorities and other public agencies within this state and any public agencies of any other state, with the federal government, and with any person, or entity, public or private, and wherever located, in order to carry out the purposes of this article. Such cooperation may include, but shall not be limited to, activities and operations conducted with the agreement of any public agency.