Section 11-21-8b - Definitions(a) "Certified historic structure" means any building located in this state that is listed individually in the national register of historic places or located in a registered historic district, reviewed by the West Virginia division of culture and history, and certified by the national park service as being of historic significance to the district.(b) "Certified rehabilitation" means any rehabilitation of a certified historic building that is reviewed by the West Virginia division of culture and history, and certified by the national park service as being consistent with the historic character of the property and, where applicable, the district in which it is located.(c) "Historic district" means any district that is listed in the national register of historic places or designated under a state or local statute which has been certified as containing criteria which will substantially achieve the purpose of preserving and rehabilitating buildings of significance to the district and which is certified as substantially meeting all of the requirements for listing of districts in the national register of historic places.(d) "Historic preservation certification application" means the application forms published by the national park service, United States department of the interior, Parts 1, 2 and 3, form No. 10-168.(e) "Secretary of the interior standards" means standards and guidelines adopted and published by the national park service, United States department of the interior, for rehabilitation of historic properties.(f) "State historic preservation officer" means the state official designated by the governor pursuant to provisions in the national historic preservation act of 1966, as amended and further defined in section six, article one, chapter twenty-nine of this code.