This rule is adopted pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 123 which provides that the Secretary "shall adopt by rule a State endangered species list and a State threatened species list," and may "adopt rules for the protection, conservation, or recovery of endangered and threatened species."
The purpose of this rule is to identify and list species of wild plants and animals and designate critical habitats that have been determined by the Secretary to require protection under Vermont law. The rule also sets out a process for the issuance of permits for the taking and possession of endangered and threatened species and the destruction or adverse impact to designated critical habitat.
The Secretary may require the implementation of mitigation strategies and may collect mitigation funds, in addition to the permit fees, in order to mitigate the impacts of a taking or the destruction of or adverse impact on critical habitat. Provided that the mitigation is commensurate with the taking or adverse impact proposed, mitigation may include:
Group | Family | English Name | Scientific Name | Author | Date Listed | Sta-tus | Previously Listed As | Notes |
6.2 Plants | Apiaceae-Carrot Family | Long-styled Snakeroot | Sanicula canadensis var. grandis | Fern. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Apiaceae-Carrot Family | Yellow Pimpernel | Taenidia integerrima | (L.) Drude | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Apocyna-ceae-Dog-bane Family | Blunt-leaved Milkweed | Asclepias amplexicaulis | Sm. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Apocyna-ceae-Dog-bane Family | Butterfly-weed | Asclepias tuberosa ssp. tuberosa | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | Asclepias tuberosa L. | |
6.2 Plants | Apocyna-ceae-Dog-bane Family | Whorled Milkweed | Asclepias verticillata | L. | 03-28-2015 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Araceae-Arum Family | Green Dragon | Arisaema dracontium | (L.) Schott | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Aspleniaceae-Spleenwort Family | Mountain Spleenwort | Asplenium montanum | Willd. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Aspleniaceae-Spleenwort Family | Green Spleenwort | Asplenium viride | Huds. | 04-13-1987 | T | Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum L. | |
6.2 Plants | Astera-ceae-Aster Family | Sessile-leaved Boneset | Eupatorium sessilifolium | L. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Astera-ceae-Aster Family | Harsh Sunflower | Helianthus strumosus | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Astera-ceae-Aster Family | Hairy Lettuce | Lactuca hirsuta | Muhl. ex Nutt. | 12-07-1994 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Astera-ceae-Aster Family | Boott's Rattlesnake-root | Nabalus boottii | D.C. | 04-13-1987 | E | Prenan-thes boottii (DC.) A. Gray | |
6.2 Plants | Astera-ceae-Aster Family | Woodland Cudweed | Omalotheca sylvatica | (L.) Schultz-Bip. & F.W. Schultz | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Astera-ceae-Aster Family | Sweet Coltsfoot | Petasites frigidus var. palmatus | (Ait.) Cronq. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Astera-ceae-Aster Family | White-flowered Leafcup | Polymnia canadensis | L. | 12-07-1994 | E | Listed as Threatened on 04-13-1987. | |
6.2 Plants | Astera-ceae-Aster Family | Sweet Goldenrod | Solidago odora ssp. odora | Ait. | 04-13-1987 | T | Solidago odora Ait. | |
6.2 Plants | Astera-ceae-Aster Family | Elm-leaved Goldenrod | Solidago ulmifolia | Muhl. ex Willd. | 11-09-1991 | E | Listed as Threatened on 04-13-1987. | |
6.2 Plants | Betula-ceae-Birch Family | Dwarf Birch | Betula minor | (Tuckerman) Fern. | 03-28-2015 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Blechna-ceae-Chain-fern Family | Virginia Chain-fern | Woodwardia virginica | (L.) Sm. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Boragina-ceae-Borage Family | Northern Wild Comfrey | Cynoglossum virginianum var. boreale | (Fern.) Cooperrider | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Boragina-ceae-Borage Family | Nodding Stickseed | Hackelia deflexa ssp. americana | (Gray) A. & D. Löve | 04-13-1987 | T | Hackelia deflexa var.americana (Gray) Fern. & I.M. Johnston | |
6.2 Plants | Brassica-ceae-MustardFamily | Lyre-leaved Rock-cress | Arabidopsis lyrata | (L.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz | 04-13-1987 | T | Arabis lyrata L. | |
6.2 Plants | Brassicaceae-Mustard Family | Drummond's Rock-cress | Boechera stricta | (Graham) Al- Shehbaz | 11-09-1991 | E | Arabis drum-mondii A. Gray | |
6.2 Plants | Brassicaceae-Mustard Family | Northern Rock-cress | Braya humilis ssp. humilis | (C.A. Mey.) B.L. Robins. | 04-13-1987 | T | Braya humilis (C.A. Mey) B.L. Rob. | |
6.2 Plants | Brassicaceae-Mustard Family | Hoary Draba | Draba cana | Rydb. | 04-13-1987 | T | Draba breweri var. cana (Rydb.) Rollins | |
6.2 Plants | Brassicaceae-Mustard Family | Smooth Draba | Draba glabella | Pursh | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Brassicaceae-Mustard Family | Lake-cress | Rorippa aquatica | (Eat.) Palmer & Steyermark | 04-13-1987 | T | Neobeckia aquatica (Eaton) Greene | |
6.2 Plants | Bryaceae-Bryum Moss Family | A Moss | Plagiobryum zieri | (Hedw.) Lindb. | 06-23-1989 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Caprifoliaceae-Honeysuckle Family | Squash-berry | Viburnum edule | (Michx.) Raf. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Caryophylla-ceae-Pink Family | Marcescent Sandwort | Minuartia marcescens | (Fern.) House | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Caryophylla-ceae-Pink Family | Marble Sandwort | Minuartia rubella | (Wahlenb.) Hiern | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Cistaceae-Rock-roseFamily | Plains Frostweed | Crocan-the-mum bicknellii | (Fernald) Janchen | 04-13-1987 | T | Helianthe-mum bick-nellii Fern. | |
6.2 Plants | Cistaceae-Rock-roseFamily | Beach Heather | Hudsonia tomentosa | Nutt. | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Cistaceae-Rock-roseFamily | Hairy Pinweed | Lechea mucronata | Raf. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Clusiaceae-St. John's-wort Family | Great St. John's-wort | Hypericum ascyron | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Convolvula-ceae-Morn-ing-glory Family | Low Bindweed | Calystegia spithamaea ssp. spitha-maea | (L.) Pursh | 04-13-1987 | T | Calystegia spithamaea (L.) Pursh | |
6.2 Plants | Cornaceae-Dogwood Family | Flowering Dogwood | Cornus florida | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Crassulaceae-Stonecrop Family | Roseroot | Rhodiola rosea | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | Sedum rosea L. Scop. | |
6.2 Plants | Cupressaceae-Cypress Family | Creeping Juniper | Juniperus horizontalis | Moench | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Contracted Sedge | Carex arcta | Boott | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Blackish Sedge | Carex atratiformis | Britt. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Buxb-aum's Sedge | Carex buxbaumii | Wahlenb. | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Capillary Sedge | Carex capillaris ssp. capillaris | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | Carex capillaris L. | |
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Creeping Sedge | Carex chordorrhiza | Ehrh. ex L. f | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Bronze Sedge | Carex foenea | Willd. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Garber's Sedge | Carex garberi | Fern. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Houghton's Sedge | Carex houghtoniana | Torr. ex Dewey | 02-10-2022 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Pale Sedge | Carex livida | (Wahlenb.) Willd. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Nerveless Muehlen-berg Sedge | Carex muehlen-bergii var. enervis | Boott | 04-13-1987 | T | Carex muehlen-bergii Schkuhr ex Willd. | |
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Muehlen-berg's Sedge | Carex muehlen-bergii var. muehlen-bergii | Schkuhr ex Willd. | 04-13-1987 | T | Carex muehlen-bergii Schkuhr ex Willd. | |
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Few-fruited Sedge | Carex oligocarpa | Schkuhr ex Willd. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Richard-son's Sedge | Carex richardsonii | R. Br. | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Hay Sedge | Carex siccata | Dewey | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Sheathed Sedge | Carex vaginata | Tausch | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Low Flatsedge | Cyperus diandrus | Torr. | 06-23-1989 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Houghton's Flatsedge | Cyperus houghtonii | Torr. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Few-flower-ed Spike-rush | Eleoch-aris quinqueflora | (F.X. Hartmann) Schwarz | 04-13-1987 | T | Eleoch-aris pauciflora (Lightf.) Link | |
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Autumn Fimbristylis | Fimbristylis autumnalis | (L.) Roemer & J.A. Schultes | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Capillary Beak-rush | Rhyncho-spora capillacea | Torr. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Barbed-bristle Bulrush | Scirpus ancistro-chaetus | Schuyler | 11-09-1991 | E | Listed as Threatened on 04-13-1987. | |
6.2 Plants | Cyperaceae-Sedge Family | Bashful Bulrush | Trichopho-rum plani-folium | (Spreng.) Palla | 11-09-1991 | E | Scirpus verecun-dus Fern. | Listed as Threatened on 04-13-1987. |
6.2 Plants | Diapensia-ceae-Dia-pensia Family | Diapensia | Diapensia lapponica ssp. lapponica | L. | 04-13-1987 | E | Diapensia lapponica L. | |
6.2 Plants | Dryopterida-ceae-Wood-fern Family | Male Fern | Dryopteris filix-mas ssp. brittonii | Fraser-Jenkins & Widen | 04-13-1987 | T | Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott | |
6.2 Plants | Dryopterida-ceae-Wood-fern Family | Alpine Woodsia | Woodsia alpina | (Bolton) S.F. Gray | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Equisetaceae-Horsetail Family | Marsh Horsetail | Equisetum palustre | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Ericaceae-Heath Family | Pinedrops | Pterospora andromedea | Nutt. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Ericaceae-Heath Family | Bog Win-tergreen | Pyrola asarifolia ssp. asarifolia | Michx. | 11-09-1991 | T | Pyrola asarifolia Michx. | |
6.2 Plants | Ericaceae-Heath Family | Lesser Pyrola | Pyrola minor | L. | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Ericaceae-Heath Family | Great Laurel | Rhododendron maximum | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Ericaceae-Heath Family | Deerberry | Vaccinium stamineum | L. | 12-07-1994 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Fabaceae-Pea Family | Canada Milk-vetch | Astragalus canadensis var. canadensis | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | Astragalus canaden-sis L. | |
6.2 Plants | Fabaceae-Pea Family | Jesup's Milk-vetch | Astragalus robbinsii var. jesupii | Egglest. & Sheldon | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Fabaceae-Pea Family | Rattlebox | Crotalaria sagittalis | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Fabaceae-Pea Family | Large-bracted Tick-trefoil | Desmodium cuspidatum | (Muhl. ex Willd.) DC. ex Loud. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Fabaceae-Pea Family | Prostrate Tick-trefoil | Desmodium rotundifolium | DC. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Fabaceae-Pea Family | Beach Pea | Lathyrus japonicus var. mari-timus | (L.) Kartesz & Gandhi | 04-13-1987 | T | Lathyrus maritimus (L.) Bigelow | |
6.2 Plants | Fabaceae-Pea Family | Marsh Vetchling | Lathyrus palustris | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Fabaceae-Pea Family | Violet Bush-clover | Lespedeza frutescens | (L.) Hornem. | 04-13-1987 | T | Lespedeza violacea auct. non (L.) Pers | Lespedeza violacea (L.) Pers. is now what was formerly known as L. intermedia(S. Watts) Britton and is not listed. |
6.2 Plants | Fabaceae-Pea Family | Hairy Bush-clover | Lespedeza hirta ssp. hirta | (L.) Hornem. | 11-09-1991 | T | Lespedeza hirta (L.) Hornem. | |
6.2 Plants | Fabaceae-Pea Family | Wild Lupine | Lupinus perennis ssp. perennis | L. | 03-18-1999 | E | Lupinus perennis L. | Listed as Threatened on04-13-1987. |
6.2 Plants | Fabaceae-Pea Family | Wild Senna | Senna hebecarpa | (Fern.) Irwin & Barneby | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Fagaceae-Beech Family | Scrub Oak | Quercus ilicifolia | Wangenh. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Fagaceae-Beech Family | Dwarf Chinqua-pin Oak | Quercus prinoides | Willd. | 04-23-2005 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Gentianaceae-Gentian Family | Fringe-top Closed Gentian | Gentiana andrewsii | Griseb. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Gentiana-ceae-Gentian Family | Felwort | Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta | (Michx.) J. Gillett | 04-13-1987 | T | Gentianella amarella (L.) Boerner | |
6.2 Plants | Gentiana-ceae-Gentian Family | Stiff Gentian | Gentianella quinquefolia | (L.) Small | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Hydrophyll-aceae-Water-leaf Family | Broad-leaved Waterleaf | Hydrophy-llum cana-dense | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Isoetaceae-Quillwort Family | Engelmann's Quillwort | Isoetes engelmannii | A. Braun | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Isoetaceae-Quillwort Family | Green Mountain Quillwort | Isoetes viridimon-tana | M. Rosen-thal & W.C. Taylor | 03-28-2015 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Juncaceae-Rush Family | Greene's Rush | Juncus greenei | Oakes & Tuckerman | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Juncaceae-Rush Family | Soldier Rush | Juncus militaris | Bigelow | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Juncaceae-Rush Family | Secund Rush | Juncus secundus | Beauv. ex Poir. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Juncagina-ceae-Arrow-grass Family | Common Arrow-grass | Triglochin maritima | L. | 02-16-2011 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Lamiaceae-Mint Family | Yellow Giant Hyssop | Agast-ache nepetoides | (L.) Kuntze | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Lamiaceae-Mint Family | Purple Giant Hyssop | Agast-ache scrophulariifolia | (Willd.) Kuntze | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Lamiaceae-Mint Family | Smooth Wood-mint | Blephilia hirsuta var. glabrata | Fern. | 04-13-1987 | T | Blephilia hirsuta (Pursh.) Benth. | |
6.2 Plants | Lamiaceae-Mint Family | Hairy Wood-mint | Blephilia hirsuta var. hirsuta | (Pursh) Benth. | 04-13-1987 | T | Blephilia hirsuta (Pursh.) Benth. | |
6.2 Plants | Lamiaceae-Mint Family | American Dragon-head | Dracoceph-alum parvi-florum | Nutt. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Lamiaceae-Mint Family | Obedient Plant | Physostegia virginiana ssp. virgin-iana | (L.) Benth. | 04-13-1987 | T | Physostegia virginiana (L.) Benth. | |
6.2 Plants | Lamiaceae-Mint Family | Hoary Mountain-mint | Pycnan-themum incanum var. incanum | (L.) Michx. | 11-09-1991 | E | Pycnan-themum incanum (L.) Michx. | |
6.2 Plants | Lentibular-iaceae-Bladder-wort Family | North-eastern Bladder-wort | Utricularia resupinata | B.D. Greene ex Bigelow | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Liliaceae-Lily Family | Wild Garlic | Allium cana-dense var. cana-dense | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | Allium cana-dense L. | |
6.2 Plants | Liliaceae-Lily Family | White Camas | Anticlea elegans ssp. glauca | (Nutt.) A. Haines | 11-15-2012 | E | Anticlea glauca (Nutt.) Kunth | |
6.2 Plants | Lygodia-ceae-ClimbingFern Family | Climbing Fern | Lygodium palmatum | (Bernh.) Sw. | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Magnolia-ceae-Magnolia Family | Tulip Tree | Lirioden-dron tulip-ifera | L. | 03-28-2015 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Melastoma-taceae-Mela-stome Family | Virginia Meadow-beauty | Rhexia virginica | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Moraceae-Mulberry Family | Red Mulberry | Moras rubra | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Nymphaea-ceae-Water-lily Family | Dwarf Water-lily | Nymph-aea leibergii | Morong | 04-23-2005 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Onagraceae-Evening-primrose Family | Many-fruited False-loosestrife | Ludwigia polycarpa | Short & Peter | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Ophioglossa-ceae-Adder's-tongue Family | Mingan Moonwort | Botrychium minganense | Victorin | 02-16-2011 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Putty-root | Aplectrum hyemale | (Muhl. ex Willd.) Torr. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Arethusa | Arethusa bulbosa | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Fairy Slipper | Calypso bulbosa var. americana | (R. Br. ex Ait. f.) Luer | 04-13-1987 | T | Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes | |
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Autumn Coral-root | Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. odon-torhiza | (Willd.) Nutt. | 04-13-1987 | T | Corallorhiza odontorhiza (Willd.) Nutt. | |
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Ram's Head Lady's-slipper | Cypripedium arietinum | Ait. f. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Small Whorled Pogonia | Isotria medeo-loides | (Pursh) Raf. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Large Whorled Pogonia | Isotria verticillata | Raf. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Lily-leaved Tway-blade | Liparis liliifolia | (L.) L.C Rich, ex Ker-Gawl. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | White Adder's-mouth | Malaxis monophy-llos var. brachypoda | (Gray) F. Morris & Eames | 04-13-1987 | T | Malaxis brachypoda (A.Gray) Fern. | |
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Auricled Tway-blade | Neottia auriculata | (Wiegand) Szlachetko | 04-13-1987 | E | Listera auriculata Wieg. | |
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Southern Tway-blade | Neottia bifolia | (Raf.) Baumbach | 04-13-1987 | E | Listera australis Lindl. | |
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Tubercled Orchid | Platanthera flava var. herbiola | (R. Br. ex Ait. f.) Luer | 04-13-1987 | T | Platanthera flava (L.) Lindl. | |
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Hooker's Orchid | Platanthera hookeri | (Torr. ex Gray) Lindl. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Orchidaceae-Orchid Family | Three-bird Orchid | Triphora triantho-phoros ssp. triantho-phoros | (Sw.) Rydb. | 04-13-1987 | T | Triphora triantho-phora (Sw.) Rydb. | |
6.2 Plants | Orobancha-ceae-Can-cer-root Family | Pale Painted-cup | Castilleja septentrion-alis | Lindl. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Papavera-ceae-Poppy Family | Golden Corydalis | Corydalis aurea | Willd. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Pinaceae-Pine Family | Jack Pine | Pinus banksiana | Lamb. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Plantagi-naceae-Plantain Family | Mare's-tail | Hippuris vulgaris | L. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Plantagi-naceae-Plantain Family | Culver's-root | Veronica-strum virgini-cum | (L.) Farw. | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Poaceae-Grass Family | Champlain Beach Grass | Ammophila breviligulata ssp. champ-lainensis | (Seymour) P.J. Walker, CA. Paris & Barrington ex Barkworth | 04-13-1987 | E | Ammophila champlain-ensis Seymour | |
6.2 Plants | Poaceae-Grass Family | Alpine Sweet-grass | Anthoxan-thum monti-cola ssp. monticola | (Bigelow) Veldkamp | 04-13-1987 | T | Hierochloe alpina (Swartz) R. & S.; Anthoxan-thum monti-cola (Bige-low) Veld-kamp | |
6.2 Plants | Poaceae-Grass Family | Pickering's Reed-grass | Calama-grostis pickeringii | Gray | 02-16-2011 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Poaceae-Grass Family | Bentgrass | Calama-grostis stricta ssp. inexpansa | (Gray) C.W. Greene | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Poaceae-Grass Family | Sharp Manna-grass | Glyceria acutiflora | Torr. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Poaceae-Grass Family | Stiff Witch-grass | Panicum flexile | (Gattinger) Scribn. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Poaceae-Grass Family | Slender Mountain-rice | Piptathe-ropsis pungens | (Torr.) Romasch., P.M. Peter-son & Soreng | 11-09-1991 | T | Oryzopsis pungens (Torr.) Hitchc; Piptatherum pungens (Torr ex Spreng.) Dorn | |
6.2 Plants | Poaceae-Grass Family | Shiny Wedgegrass | Sphenopholis nitida | (Biehler) Scribn. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Poaceae-Grass Family | Blunt Sphenopholis | Sphenopholis obtusata | (Michx.) Scribn. | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Poaceae-Grass Family | Rough Dropseed | Sporobolus compositus var. compo-situs | (Poir.) Merr. | 04-13-1987 | E | Sporobolus compositus (Poir.) Merr.; Sporobolus asper (Michx.) Kunth | |
6.2 Plants | Poaceae-Grass Family | Eight-flowered Fescue | Vulpia octoflora var. tenella | (Willd.) Fern. | 11-09-1991 | E | Vulpia octoflora (Walt.) Rydb. | |
6.2 Plants | Polemonia-ceae-Phlox Family | Eastern Jacob's Ladder | Polemon-ium van-bruntiae | Britt. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Polygona-ceae-Buck-wheat Family | Douglas' Knotweed | Polygon-um doug-lasii | Greene | 11-09-1991 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Primula-ceae-Prim-rose Family | Bird's-eye Prim-rose | Primula mistass-inica | Michx. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Pterida-ceae-Maid-enhair-fern Family | Green Mountain Maidenhair-fern | Adiantum viridimon-tanum | Paris | 12-07-1994 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Ranuncu-laceae-Buttercup Family | Early Thimble-weed | Anemone multifida var. multi-fida | Poir. | 04-13-1987 | E | Anemone multifida Poir. | |
6.2 Plants | Ranuncu-laceae-Buttercup Family | Golden-seal | Hydrastis canadensis | L. | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Ranuncu-laceae-Buttercup Family | Allegheny Crowfoot | Ranun-culus alle-gheniensis | Britt. | 11-09-1991 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Ranuncu-laceae-Buttercup Family | Rue-anemone | Thalic-trum thali-ctroides | (L.) Eames & Boivin | 02-10-2022 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Rhamn-aceae-Buckthorn Family | Prairie Redroot | Ceanothus herbaceus | Raf. | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Rosaceae-Rose Family | Northern Cinquefoil | Potentilla litoralis | Rydb. | 11-09-1991 | E | Potentilla pensylvan-ica var. bipinnati-fida (Doug-las) T. & G. | |
6.2 Plants | Rosaceae-Rose Family | Wild Plum | Prunus americana | Marsh. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Rosaceae-Rose Family | Susque-hanna Sand Cherry | Prunus susquehanae | hort. ex Willd. | 11-16-2012 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Rosaceae-Rose Family | Needle-spine Rose | Rosa acicularis ssp. sayi | (Schwein) W.H. Lewis | 11-09-1991 | E | Rosa acicularis Lindl. | |
6.2 Plants | Rubiaceae-Madder Family | Bog Bedstraw | Galium labrador-icum | (Wieg.) Wieg. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Salicaceae-Willow Family | Tea-leaved Willow | Salix planifolia ssp. planifolia | Pursh | 04-13-1987 | T | Salix planifolia Pursh | |
6.2 Plants | Salicaceae-Willow Family | Bearberry Willow | Salix uva-ursi | Pursh | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Scheuchze-riaceae-Scheuch-zeria Family | Pod-grass | Scheuch-zeria palustris | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Spargania-ceae-Bur-reed Family | Lesser Bur-reed | Spar-ganium natans | L. | 11-09-1991 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Sphagna-ceae-Sphag-num Family | A Peat-moss | Sphag-num sub-fulvum | Sjors | 06-23-1989 | E | Sphagnum nitidum Warnstorf | |
6.2 Plants | Tofieldia-ceae-False Asphodel Family | Sticky False-asphodel | Triantha glutinosa | (Michx.) Baker | 04-13-1987 | T | Tofieldia glutinosa (Michx.) Baker | |
6.2 Plants | Ulmaceae-Elm Family | Cork Elm (Rock Elm) | Ulmus thomasii | Sarg. | 02-16-2011 | T | ||
6.2 Plants | Valeriana-ceae-Vale-rian Family | Marsh Valerian | Valeriana uliginosa | (Torr. & Gray) Rydb. | 04-13-1987 | E | ||
6.2 Plants | Violaceae-Violet Family | Lance-leaved Violet | Viola lanceo-lata ssp. lanceo-lata | L. | 04-13-1987 | T | Viola lanceo-lata L. | |
6.2 Plants | Xyridaceae-Yellow-eyed-grass Family | Northern Yellow-eyed-grass | Xyris montana | Ries | 04-13-1987 | T | ||
6.3 Amphipods | Crangonyc-tidae-A Gammarid Amphipod Family | Taconic Cave Amphipod | Stygo-bromus borealis | 12-07-1994 | E | |||
6.4.1 Insects | Apidae-Bee Family | Rusty-patched Bumble Bee | Bombus affinis | 03-28-2015 | E | |||
6.4.1 Insects | Apidae-Bee Family | Ashton Cuckoo Bumble Bee | Bombus ashtoni | 03-28-2015 | E | |||
6.4.1 Insects | Apidae-Bee Family | American Bumble Bee | Bombus pensylvan-icus | 02-10-2022 | E | |||
6.4.1 Insects | Apidae-Bee Family | Yellow-banded Bumble Bee | Bombus terricola | 03-28-2015 | T | |||
6.4.2 Insects | Carabidae-Ground Beetle Family | Hairy-necked Tiger Beetle | Cicindela hirticollis | 12-07-1994 | T | |||
6.4.2 Insects | Carabidae-Ground Beetle Family | Cobble-stone Tiger Beetle | Cicindela margini-pennis | 04-13-1987 | T | |||
6.4.2 Insects | Carabidae-Ground Beetle Family | Puritan Tiger Beetle | Ellipsop-tera puri-tana | 12-07-1994 | T | Cicindela puritana | ||
6.5 Mollusks | Margariti-feridae-Pearl Mussel Family | Eastern Pearlshell | Margar-itifera margari-tifera | 12-07-1994 | T | |||
6.5 Mollusks | Unionidae-Unionid Mussel Family | Dwarf Wedge-mussel | Alasmi-donta heterodon | 11-09-1991 | E | Listed as Threatened on 04-13-1987. | ||
6.5 Mollusks | Unionidae-Unionid Mussel Family | Brook Floater | Alasmi-donta vari-cosa | 02-10-2022 | E | Listed as Threatened on 12-07- 1994. | ||
6.5 Mollusks | Unionidae-Unionid Mussel Family | Cylindrical Papershell | Anodon-toides ferussa-cianus | 03-18-1999 | E | |||
6.5 Mollusks | Unionidae-Unionid Mussel Family | Pocket-book | Lampsilis ovata | 03-18-1999 | E | |||
6.5 Mollusks | Unionidae-Unionid Mussel Family | Fluted-shell | Lasmi-gona co-stata | 03-18-1999 | E | |||
6.5 Mollusks | Unionidae-Unionid Mussel Family | Fragile Paper-shell | Lepto-dea fra-gilis | 03-18-1999 | E | |||
6.5 Mollusks | Unionidae-Unionid Mussel Family | Black Sandshell | Ligumia recta | 03-18-1999 | E | Listed as Threatened on 12-07- 1994. | ||
6.5 Mollusks | Unionidae-Unionid Mussel Family | Pink Heel-splitter | Potami-lus alatus | 03-18-1999 | E | |||
6.5 Mollusks | Unionidae-Unionid Mussel Family | Giant Floater | Pygano-don gran-dis | 03-18-1999 | T | |||
6.6 Fish | Acipen-seridae-Sturgeon Family | Lake Sturgeon | Acipenser fulvescens | 04-13-1987 | E | |||
6.6 Fish | Ictaluridae-North Amer-ican Fresh-water Cat-fish Family | Stonecat | Noturus flavus | 12-07-1994 | E | |||
6.6 Fish | Percidae-Perch Family | Eastern Sand Darter | Ammo-crypta pellucida | 04-13-1987 | T | |||
6.6 Fish | Percidae-Perch Family | Channel Darter | Percina copelandi | 03-18-1999 | E | |||
6.6 Fish | Petromyzon-tidae-Lamp-rey Family | Northern Brook Lamprey | Ichthyo-myzon fossor | 11-09-1991 | E | Listed as Threatened on 04-13-1987. | ||
6.6 Fish | Petromyzon-tidae-Lamp-rey Family | American Brook Lamprey | Lethen-teron ap-pendix | 04-13-1987 | T | Lampetra appendix | ||
6.7 Amphibians | Bufonidae-Toad Family | Fowler's Toad | Anaxyrus fowleri | 03-28-2015 | E | |||
6.7 Amphibians | Hylidae-New World Tree Frog Family | Boreal Chorus Frog | Pseuda-cris mac-ulata | 11-15-2012 | E | |||
6.8 Reptiles | Colubridae-Colubrid Snake Family | North American Racer | Coluber constrict-or | 04-23-2005 | T | |||
6.8 Reptiles | Colubridae-Colubrid Snake Family | Eastern Ratsnake | Panther-ophis alleghan-iensis | 04-23-2005 | T | Elaphe obsoleta | ||
6.8 Reptiles | Emydidae-Box Turtle and Pond Turtle Family | Spotted Turtle | Clemmys guttata | 03-18-1999 | E | Listed as Threatened on 06-23- 1989. | ||
6.8 Reptiles | Scincidae-Skink Family | Common Five-lined Skink | Plestiodon fasciatus | 04-13-1987 | E | Eumeces fasciatus | ||
6.8 Reptiles | Trionychi-dae-Soft-shell Turtle Family | Spiny Softshell | Apalone spinifera | 04-13-1987 | T | |||
6.8 Reptiles | Viperidae-Viper and Pit Viper Family | Timber Rattle-snake | Crotalus horridus | 04-13-1987 | E | |||
6.9 Birds | Caprimul-gidae-Nightjar Family | Eastern Whip-poor-will | Antrosto-mus voci-ferus | 11-15-2012 | T | Capri-mulgus voci-ferus | ||
6.9 Birds | Caprimul-gidae-Nightjar Family | Common Nighthawk | Chordeiles minor | 11-15-2012 | E | |||
6.9 Birds | Icteridae-Blackbird Family | Rusty Blackbird | Euphagus carolinus | 03-28-2015 | E | |||
6.9 Birds | Icteridae-Blackbird Family | Eastern Meadow-lark | Sturnella magna | 02-10-2022 | T | |||
6.9 Birds | Laniidae-Shrike Family | Logger-head Shrike | Lanius ludovi-cianus | 04-13-1987 | E | |||
6.9 Birds | Laridae-Gull and Tern Family | Black Tern | Chlidonias niger | 04-23-2005 | E | Listed as Threatened on 12-07- 1994. | ||
6.9 Birds | Laridae-Gull and Tern Family | Common Tern | Sterna hirundo | 07-30-1988 | E | Listed as Threatened on 04-13-1987. | ||
6.9 Birds | Passerel-lidae-New World Spar-row Family | Grasshop-per Spar-row | Ammodram-us savannar-um | 03-18-1999 | T | |||
6.9 Birds | Passerel-lidae-New World Spar-row Family | Henslow's Sparrow | Centronyx henslowii | 04-13-1987 | E | Ammo-dramus henslowii | ||
6.9 Birds | Phasianidae-Turkey, Grouse, Pheasant andPartridge Family | Spruce Grouse | Canachites canadensis | 07-30-1988 | E | Falcipen-nis cana-densis | ||
6.9 Birds | Scolopacidae-Sandpiper, Snipe and Relatives Family | Upland Sandpiper | Bartramia longicauda | 04-23-2005 | E | Listed as Threatened on 04-13-1987. | ||
6.9 Birds | Troglody-tidae-Wren Family | Sedge Wren | Cistothorus stellaris | 03-18-1999 | E | Cistothor-us plate-nsis | Listed as Threatened on 04-13-1987. | |
6.10 Mammals | Felidae-Cat Family | Canadian Lynx | Lynx canadensis | 04-13-1987 | E | |||
6.10 Mammals | Felidae-Cat Family | Eastern Mountain Lion | Puma concolor couguar | 04-13-1987 | E | Felis concolor couguar | ||
6.10 Mammals | Mustelidae-Weasel Family | American Marten | Martes americana | 04-13-1987 | E | |||
6.10 Mammals | Vesperti-lioni-dae-Evening Bat and Vesper Bat Family | Eastern Small-footed Bat | Myotis leibii | 04-13-1987 | T | |||
6.10 Mammals | Vesperti-lioni-dae-Evening Bat and Vesper Bat Family | Little Brown Bat | Myotis lucifugus | 07-15-2011 | E | |||
6.10 Mammals | Vesperti-lioni-dae-Evening Bat and Vesper Bat Family | Northern Long-ear-ed Bat | Myotis septentrion-alis | 07-15-2011 | E | |||
6.10 Mammals | Vesperti-lioni-dae-Evening Bat and Vesper Bat Family | Indiana Bat | Myotis sodalis | 04-13-1987 | E | |||
6.10 Mammals | Vesperti-lioni-dae-Evening Bat and Vesper Bat Family | Tri-colored Bat | Perimyotis subflavus | 11-15-2012 | E |
10 Appendix V.S.A. § 10