Every railroad company shall erect and maintain a fence on each side of its rights of way where the same passes through lands owned and improved by private owners, and at all public road crossings shall connect the same with cattle guards. Such fence shall not be less than four and one-half feet in height and may be constructed of barbed or other fencing wire with not less than five wires, and good, substantial posts not more than one rod apart with a stay midway between the posts attached to the wires to keep said wires in place; and whenever such railroad company shall provide gates for private crossings for the convenience of the owners of the land through which such railroad passes, such gates shall be so constructed that they may be easily operated; and every railroad company shall be liable for all damages sustained by the owner of any domestic animal killed or injured by such railroad in consequence of the failure to build or maintain such fence. The owner of such lands shall keep such gate closed at all times when not in actual use, and if such owner fails to keep such gates closed, and in consequence thereof, any animal owned by him strays upon such railroad, and is killed or injured, such owner shall not be entitled to recover damages therefor.
Utah Code § 56-1-13.1