- Section 71 - Short title
- Section 72, 73 - Omitted
- Section 74 - Congressional findings and declaration of policy
- Section 75 - Definitions
- Section 75a - Repealed
- Section 75b - Omitted
- Section 76 - Standards and procedures; establishment, amendment, and revocation
- Section 77 - Official inspection and weighing requirements; waiver; supervision by representatives of Secretary
- Section 78 - Use of official grade designations required; false or misleading grade designations for grain shipped out of the United States
- Section 79 - Official inspection
- Section 79a - Weighing authority
- Section 79b - Testing of equipment
- Section 79c - Omitted
- Section 79d - Limitation on administrative and supervisory costs
- Section 80 to 83 - Omitted
- Section 84 - Licensing of inspectors
- Section 85 - Suspension, revocation, and refusal to renew licenses; hearing; grounds; temporary suspension
- Section 86 - Refusal of inspection and weighing services; civil penalties
- Section 87 - Conflicts of interest
- Section 87a - Records
- Section 87b - Prohibited acts
- Section 87c - Criminal penalties
- Section 87d - Responsibility for acts of others
- Section 87e - General authorities
- Section 87e-1 - Repealed
- Section 87f - Enforcement provisions
- Section 87f-1 - Registration requirements
- Section 87f-2 - Reporting requirements
- Section 87g - Relation to State and local laws; separability
- Section 87h - Funding
- Section 87i - Omitted
- Section 87j - Advisory committee
- Section 87k - Standardizing commercial inspections