48 U.S.C. §§ 721 to 723
48 U.S.C. §§ 721 to 723
CODIFICATIONSections 721 to 723, relating to Territory of Hawaii, were omitted in view of admission of Hawaii into the Union.Section 721, acts July 18, 1950, ch. 466, title I, §101, 64 Stat. 344; Aug. 11, 1955, ch. 783, title I, §107(3), (7), (9), 69 Stat. 637, 638, authorized Hawaiian government to undertake slum clearance and urban redevelopment and renewal projects.Section 721a, acts July 18, 1950, ch. 466, title I, §102, 64 Stat. 344; Aug. 11, 1955, ch. 783, title I, §107(3), 69 Stat. 637, authorized government of Hawaii to assist slum clearance and urban redevelopment projects through cash donations, loans conveyances of real and personal property, facilities and services.Section 721b, act July 18, 1950, ch. 466, title I, §103, 64 Stat. 345, ratified all legislation enacted by Legislature of Territory of Hawaii dealing with subject matter of sections 721 to 722 of this title.Section 722, acts July 10, 1937, ch. 484, 50 Stat. 508; July 18, 1950, ch. 466, title II, §202(a), 64 Stat. 345, gave Legislature of Territory of Hawaii power to create public corporate authorities to engage in slum clearance, or housing undertaking.Section 723, act June 27, 1934, ch. 847, §214, as added Apr. 23, 1949, ch. 89, §2(a), 63 Stat. 57, and amended, related to insurance of mortgages on property in Hawaii. See section 1715d of Title 12, Banks and Banking.