Subchapter I - GENERAL
- Section 70101 - Definitions
- Section 70102 - United States facility and vessel vulnerability assessments
- Section 70102a - Repealed
- Section 70103 - Maritime transportation security plans
- Section 70104 - Transportation security incident response
- Section 70105 - Transportation worker identification credentials
- Section 70106 - Deployable, specialized forces
- Section 70107 - Grants
- Section 70107A - Repealed
- Section 70108 - Foreign port assessment
- Section 70109 - Notifying foreign authorities
- Section 70110 - Actions and assistance for foreign ports or facilities and United States territories
- Section 70111 - Enhanced crewmember identification
- Section 70112 - Maritime Security Advisory Committees
- Section 70113 - Maritime intelligence
- Section 70114 - Automatic identification systems
- Section 70115 - Long-range vessel tracking system
- Section 70116 - Port, harbor, and coastal facility security
- Section 70117 - Repealed
- Section 70118 - Enforcement by State and local officers
- Section 70119 - Civil penalty
- Section 70120 - In rem liability for civil penalties and certain costs
- Section 70121 - Withholding of clearance
- Section 70122 - Waterway Watch Program
- Section 70123 - Mobile biometric identification
- Section 70124 - Regulations
- Section 70125 - Port security training for facility security officers