- Section 315 - Grazing districts; establishment; restrictions; prior rights; rights-of-way; hearing and notice; hunting or fishing rights
- Section 315a - Protection, administration, regulation, and improvement of districts; rules and regulations; study of erosion and flood control; offenses
- Section 315b - Grazing permits; fees; vested water rights; permits not to create right in land
- Section 315c - Fences, wells, reservoirs, and other improvements; construction; permits; partition fences
- Section 315d - Grazing stock for domestic purposes; use of natural resources
- Section 315e - Rights of way; development of mineral resources
- Section 315f - Homestead entry within district or withdrawn lands; classification; preferences
- Section 315g, 315g-1 - Repealed
- Section 315h - Cooperation with associations, land officials, and agencies engaged in conservation or propagation of wildlife; local hearings on appeals; acceptance and use of contributions
- Section 315i - Disposition of moneys received; availability for improvements
- Section 315j - Appropriation of moneys received; application of public-land laws to Indian ceded lands; application for mineral title to lands
- Section 315k - Cooperation with governmental departments; coordination of range administration
- Section 315l - Lands under national-forest administration
- Section 315m - Lease of isolated or disconnected tracts for grazing; preferences
- Section 315m-1 - Lease of State, county, or privately owned lands; period of lease; rental
- Section 315m-2 - Administration of leased lands
- Section 315m-3 - Availability of contributions received
- Section 315m-4 - Disposition of receipts; availability for leasing of land
- Section 315n - State police power not abridged
- Section 315o - Repealed
- Section 315o-1 - Board of grazing district advisers; composition; meetings; duties
- Section 315o-2 - Animals and equipment for field employees
- Section 315p - Repealed
- Section 315q - Withdrawal of lands for war or national defense purposes; payment for cancellation of permits or licenses
- Section 315r - Rental payments in advance in case of withdrawal of lands for war or national defense purposes