42 U.S.C. § 2141
42 U.S.C. § 2141
AMENDMENTS1998-Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 105-277 substituted "the Nuclear Regulatory Commission" for "the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,".
EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1998 AMENDMENT Amendment by Pub. L. 105-277 effective on earlier of Apr. 1, 1999, or date of abolition of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency pursuant to reorganization plan described in section 6601 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse, see section 1201 of Pub. L. 105-277 set out as an Effective Date note under section 6511 of Title 22.
EFFECTIVE DATESection effective Mar. 10, 1978, except as otherwise provided and regardless of any requirements for the promulgation of implementing regulations, see section 603(c) of Pub. L. 95-242 set out as a note under section 3201 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse.
TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONSFor transfer of certain functions from Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Chairman thereof, see Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1980, 45 F.R. 40561, 94 Stat. 3585, set out as a note under section 5841 of this title.
PERFORMANCE OF FUNCTIONS PENDING DEVELOPMENT OF PROCEDURESThe performance of functions under this chapter, as amended by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95-242, Mar. 10, 1978, 92 Stat. 120, not to be delayed pending development of procedures even though as many as 120 days [after Mar. 10, 1978] are allowed for establishing those procedures, see section 5(b) of Ex. Ord. No. 12058, May 11, 1978, 43 F.R. 20947, set out under section 3201 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse.