- Section 401 - General powers of the Postal Service
- Section 402 - Delegation of authority
- Section 403 - General duties
- Section 404 - Specific powers
- Section 404a - Specific limitations
- Section 405 - Printing of illustrations of United States postage stamps
- Section 406 - Postal services at Armed Forces installations
- Section 407 - International postal arrangements
- Section 408 - International money-order exchanges
- Section 409 - Suits by and against the Postal Service
- Section 410 - Application of other laws
- Section 411 - Cooperation with other Government agencies
- Section 412 - Nondisclosure of lists of names and addresses
- Section 413 - Postal services at diplomatic posts
- Section 414 - Special postage stamps
- Section 415 - Prohibition on restriction or elimination of services
- Section 416 - Authority to issue semipostals