33 U.S.C. § 606
For the purpose of securing the uninterrupted work of operating snag boats on the Ohio River and removing snags, wrecks, and other obstructions in said river, the Secretary of the Army, upon the application of the Chief of Engineers, is authorized to draw his warrant or requisition from time to time upon the Secretary of the Treasury for such sums as may be necessary to do such work, not to exceed in the aggregate for each year the sum of $50,000.
33 U.S.C. § 606
CODIFICATIONSection is from the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1890, act Sept. 19, 1890, as amended by act June 3, 1896.The section, as originally enacted, limited the amount to be drawn for the work, by the words "not to exceed in the aggregate for each year the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars." It was amended by act June 3, 1896 by inserting the words "fifty thousand dollars" for the words "twenty-five thousand dollars" therein.
AMENDMENTS1954-Act Aug. 30, 1954, repealed proviso requiring that an itemized statement of expenses incurred in removing snags, etc., from the Ohio River, as provided in this section, should accompany the annual report of the Chief of Engineers.
CHANGE OF NAMEDepartment of War designated Department of the Army and title of Secretary of War changed to Secretary of the Army by section 205(a) of act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, 61 Stat. 501. Section 205(a) of act July 26, 1947, was repealed by section 53 of act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 641. Section 1 of act Aug. 10, 1956, enacted "Title 10, Armed Forces" which in sections 3010 to 3013 continued Department of the Army under administrative supervision of Secretary of the Army.
APPROPRIATIONSAct June 26, 1934, ch. 756, §2, 48 Stat. 1225, which was classified to section 725a of former Title 31, Money and Finance, repealed the permanent appropriation under the title "Operating snag boats on the Ohio River (fiscal year) (8-962.51)" effective July 1, 1935, and provided that such portions of any Acts as make permanent appropriations to be expended under such account are amended so as to authorize, in lieu thereof, annual appropriations from the general fund of the Treasury in identical terms and in such amounts as now provided by the laws providing such permanent appropriations.