Subchapter I - GENERAL
- Section 811 - Mandatory safety and health standards
- Section 812 - Advisory committees
- Section 813 - Inspections, investigations, and recordkeeping
- Section 814 - Citations and orders
- Section 815 - Procedure for enforcement
- Section 816 - Judicial review of Commission orders
- Section 817 - Procedures to counteract dangerous conditions
- Section 818 - Injunctions
- Section 819 - Posting of orders and decisions
- Section 820 - Penalties
- Section 821 - Entitlement of miners to full compensation
- Section 822 - Representation of Secretary in civil litigation by Solicitor of Labor
- Section 823 - Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
- Section 823a - Principal office in District of Columbia; proceedings held elsewhere
- Section 824 - Authorization of appropriations
- Section 825 - Mandatory health and safety training
- Section 826 - Limitation on certain liability for rescue operations