25 U.S.C. § 2802
The Secretary, acting through the Bureau, shall be responsible for providing, or for assisting in the provision of, law enforcement services in Indian country as provided in this chapter.
There is established in the Bureau an office, to be known as the "Office of Justice Services", that, under the supervision of the Secretary, or an individual designated by the Secretary, shall be responsible for-
Subject to the provisions of this chapter and other applicable Federal or tribal laws, the responsibilities of the Office of Justice Services in Indian country shall include-
The Secretary shall establish appropriate standards of education, experience, training, and other relevant qualifications for law enforcement personnel of the Office of Justice Services who are charged with law enforcement responsibilities pursuant to section 2803 of this title.
The training standards established under subparagraph (A)-
Law enforcement personnel of the Office of Justice Services or an Indian tribe may satisfy the training standards established under subparagraph (A) through training at a State or tribal police academy, a State, regional, local, or tribal college or university, or other training academy (including any program at a State, regional, local, or tribal college or university) that meets the appropriate Peace Officer Standards of Training.
Pursuant to section 3307(e) of title 5, the Secretary may employ as a law enforcement officer under section 2803 of this title any individual under the age of 47, if the individual meets all other applicable hiring requirements for the applicable law enforcement position.
The Office of Justice Services shall develop standards and deadlines for the provision of background checks to tribal law enforcement and corrections officials.
If a request for a background check is made by an Indian tribe that has contracted or entered into a compact for law enforcement or corrections services with the Bureau of Indian Affairs pursuant to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450 et seq.),2 the Office of Justice Services shall complete the check not later than 60 days after the date of receipt of the request, unless an adequate reason for failure to respond by that date is provided to the Indian tribe in writing.
Not later than 1 year after July 29, 2010, the Secretary, acting through the Bureau, in coordination with the Department of Justice and in consultation with tribal leaders, tribal courts, tribal law enforcement officers, and tribal corrections officials, shall submit to Congress a long-term plan to address incarceration in Indian country, including-
1 So in original. Probably should be "subchapter B of chapter I of title 25,".
2 See References in Text note below.
3 So in original. Probably should be followed by a closing parenthesis.
25 U.S.C. § 2802
REFERENCES IN TEXT Public Law 93-638 and the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450 et seq.), referred to in subsecs. (d)(4)(i) and (e)(4)(B), are Pub. L. 93-638, Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2203, which was classified principally to subchapter II (§450 et seq.) of chapter 14 of this title prior to editorial reclassification as chapter 46 (§5301 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 5301 of this title and Tables.
AMENDMENTS2010-Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 111-211, §211(b)(1), inserted heading and substituted "There is established in the Bureau an office, to be known as the 'Office of Justice Services', that" for "There is hereby established within the Bureau a Division of Law Enforcement Services which" in introductory provisions.Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 111-211, §211(b)(2)(A), substituted "Office of Justice Services" for "Division of Law Enforcement Services" in introductory provisions.Subsec. (c)(9). Pub. L. 111-211, §262, inserted before semicolon ", including training to properly interview victims of domestic and sexual violence and to collect, preserve, and present evidence to Federal and tribal prosecutors to increase the conviction rate for domestic and sexual violence offenses for purposes of addressing and preventing domestic and sexual violent offenses".Subsec. (c)(10) to (18). Pub. L. 111-211, §211(b)(2)(B)-(D), added pars. (10) to (18).Subsec. (d)(1). Pub. L. 111-211, §211(b)(3)(A), substituted "Office of Justice Services" for "Division of Law Enforcement Services".Subsec. (d)(4)(i). Pub. L. 111-211, §211(b)(3)(B), substituted "Office of Justice Services" for "Division".Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 111-211, §231(a)(1)(A), inserted heading. Pub. L. 111-211, §211(b)(4), substituted "Office of Justice Services" for "Division of Law Enforcement Services" in pars. (1) to (3).Subsec. (e)(1). Pub. L. 111-211, §231(a)(1), inserted heading, designated existing provisions as subpar. (A), inserted subpar. (A) heading, and added subpars. (B) to (D).Subsec. (e)(3). Pub. L. 111-211, §231(a)(2), substituted "agencies" for "Agencies".Subsec. (e)(4). Pub. L. 111-211, §231(a)(3), added par. (4).Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 111-211, §211(b)(5), added subsec. (f).
DESIGNATION OF COORDINATOR OF FEDERAL EFFORTS TO COMBAT VIOLENCE AGAINST NATIVE PEOPLE Pub. L. 116-166, §§2, Oct. 10, 2020, 3, Oct. 10, 2020, 134 Stat. 766, provided that:
"SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS."In this Act [enacting this note, provisions set out as a note under section 2801 of this title, and provisions not classified to the Code]-"(1) the term 'Commission' means the Department of the Interior and the Department of Justice Joint Commission on Reducing Violent Crime Against Indians under section 4 [134 Stat. 767];"(2) the term 'human trafficking' means act or practice described in paragraph (9) or paragraph (10) [probably should be "paragraph (11) or paragraph (12)"] of section 103 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. 7102) ;"(3) the term 'Indian' means a member of an Indian tribe;"(4) the terms 'Indian lands' and 'Indian tribe' have the meanings given the terms in section 3 of the Native American Business Development, Trade Promotion, and Tourism Act of 2000 (25 U.S.C. 4302) ; and"(5) the terms 'urban centers' and 'urban Indian organization' have the meanings given the terms in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (25 U.S.C. 1603) .
"SEC. 3. COORDINATOR OF FEDERAL EFFORTS TO COMBAT VIOLENCE AGAINST NATIVE PEOPLE."(a) COORDINATOR DESIGNATION.-The Secretary of the Interior shall designate an official within the Office of Justice Services in the Bureau of Indian Affairs who shall-"(1) coordinate prevention efforts, grants, and programs related to the murder of, trafficking of, and missing Indians across Federal agencies, including-"(A) the Bureau of Indian Affairs; and"(B) the Department of Justice, including-"(i) the Office of Justice Programs;"(ii) the Office on Violence Against Women;"(iii) the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services;"(iv) the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and"(v) the Office of Tribal Justice;"(2) ensure prevention efforts, grants, and programs of Federal agencies related to the murder of, trafficking of, and missing Indians consider the unique challenges of combating crime, violence, and human trafficking of Indians and on Indian lands faced by Tribal communities, urban centers, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal law enforcement, Federal law enforcement, and State and local law enforcement;"(3) work in cooperation with outside organizations with expertise in working with Indian tribes and Indian Tribes to provide victim centered and culturally relevant training to tribal law enforcement, Indian Health Service health care providers, urban Indian organizations, Tribal community members and businesses, on how to effectively identify, respond to and report instances of missing persons, murder, and trafficking within Indian lands and of Indians; and"(4) report directly to the Secretary of the Interior."(b) REPORT.-The official designated in subsection (a) shall submit to the Committee on Indian Affairs and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives a report to provide information on Federal coordination efforts accomplished over the previous year that includes-"(1) a summary of all coordination activities undertaken in compliance with this section;"(2) a summary of all trainings completed under subsection (a)(3); and"(3) recommendations for improving coordination across Federal agencies and of relevant Federal programs."
- Branch of Criminal Investigations
- The term "Branch of Criminal Investigations" means the entity the Secretary is required to establish within the Office of Justice Services under section 2802(d)(1) of this title.
- Bureau
- The term "Bureau" means the Bureau of Indian Affairs of the Department of the Interior.
- Secretary
- The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Interior.