22 U.S.C. § 4343
The Secretary of State may issue regulations to carry out the purposes of this chapter. The primary purpose of such regulations and related policies, rules, and procedures shall be to assure that employees and members of their families do not profit personally from sales or other transactions with persons who are not themselves entitled to exemption from import restrictions, duties, or taxes.
Such regulations shall require that, to the extent contractors enjoy importation or tax privileges in a foreign country because of their contractual relationship to the United States Government, after the effective date of this chapter contracting agencies shall include provisions in their contracts to carry out the purpose of this chapter.
In order to ensure that due account is taken of local conditions, including applicable laws, markets, exchange rate factors, and accommodation exchange facilities, such regulations may authorize the chief of mission to each foreign country to establish more detailed policies, rules, or procedures for the application of this chapter within that country to employees under the chief of mission's jurisdiction.
22 U.S.C. § 4343
REFERENCES IN TEXTFor the effective date of this chapter, referred to in subsec. (b), as being 180 days after Dec. 22, 1987, see section 186(b) of Pub. L. 100-204 set out as an Effective Date note under section 4341 of this title.
EFFECTIVE DATESection effective 180 days after Dec. 22, 1987, see section 186(b) of Pub. L. 100-204 set out as a note under section 4741 of this title.
- foreign country
- The term "foreign country" means any country or territory, excluding the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and other territories or possessions of the United States.
- profit
- The term "profit" means any proceeds (including cash and other valuable consideration but not including amounts of such proceeds given as charitable contributions) for the sale, disposition, or assignment of personal property in excess of the basis for such property. For purposes of this chapter, basis shall include initial price, inland and overseas transportation costs (if not reimbursed by the United States Government), shipping insurance, taxes, customs fees, duties or other charges, and capital improvements, but shall not include insurance on an item while in use, or maintenance and related costs. For purposes of computing profit, proceeds and costs shall be valued in United States dollars at the time of receipt or payment, at a rate of exchange as determined by regulation or policy issued pursuant to section 4343 of this title.