20 U.S.C. § 7173

Current through P.L. 118-78 (published on www.congress.gov on 07/30/2024)
Section 7173 - State application
(a) In general

In order to receive an allotment under section 7172 of this title for any fiscal year, a State shall submit to the Secretary, at such time as the Secretary may require, an application that-

(1) designates the State educational agency as the agency responsible for the administration and supervision of programs assisted under this part;
(2) describes how the State educational agency will use funds received under this part, including funds reserved for State-level activities;
(3) contains an assurance that the State educational agency-
(A) will make awards under this part to eligible entities that serve-
(i) students who primarily attend-
(I) schools implementing comprehensive support and improvement activities or targeted support and improvement activities under section 6311(d) of this title; and
(II) other schools determined by the local educational agency to be in need of intervention and support; and
(ii) the families of such students; and
(B) will further give priority to eligible entities that propose in the application to serve students described in subclauses (I) and (II) of section 7174(i)(1)(A)(i) of this title;
(4) describes the procedures and criteria the State educational agency will use for reviewing applications and awarding funds to eligible entities on a competitive basis, which shall include procedures and criteria that take into consideration the likelihood that a proposed community learning center will help participating students meet the challenging State academic standards and any local academic standards;
(5) describes how the State educational agency will ensure that awards made under this part are-
(A) of sufficient size and scope to support high-quality, effective programs that are consistent with the purpose of this part; and
(B) in amounts that are consistent with section 7174(h) of this title;
(6) describes the steps the State educational agency will take to ensure that programs implement effective strategies, including providing ongoing technical assistance and training, evaluation, dissemination of promising practices, and coordination of professional development for staff in specific content areas and youth development;
(7) describes how programs under this part will be coordinated with programs under this chapter, and other programs as appropriate;
(8) contains an assurance that the State educational agency-
(A) will make awards for programs for a period of not less than 3 years and not more than 5 years; and
(B) will require each eligible entity seeking such an award to submit a plan describing how the activities to be funded through the award will continue after funding under this part ends;
(9) contains an assurance that funds appropriated to carry out this part will be used to supplement, and not supplant, other Federal, State, and local public funds expended to provide programs and activities authorized under this part and other similar programs;
(10) contains an assurance that the State educational agency will require eligible entities to describe in their applications under section 7174(b) of this title how the transportation needs of participating students will be addressed;
(11) describes how the State will-
(A) prescreen external organizations that could provide assistance in carrying out the activities under this part; and
(B) develop and make available to eligible entities a list of external organizations that successfully completed the prescreening process;
(12) provides-
(A) an assurance that the application was developed in consultation and coordination with appropriate State officials, including the chief State school officer, and other State agencies administering before and after school (or summer recess) programs and activities, the heads of the State health and mental health agencies or their designees, statewide after-school networks (where applicable) and representatives of teachers, local educational agencies, and community-based organizations; and
(B) a description of any other representatives of teachers, parents, students, or the business community that the State has selected to assist in the development of the application, if applicable;
(13) describes the results of the State's needs and resources assessment for before and after school (or summer recess) programs and activities, which shall be based on the results of on-going State evaluation activities;
(14) describes how the State educational agency will evaluate the effectiveness of programs and activities carried out under this part, which shall include, at a minimum-
(A) a description of the performance indicators and performance measures that will be used to evaluate programs and activities with emphasis on alignment with the regular academic program of the school and the academic needs of participating students, including performance indicators and measures that-
(i) are able to track student success and improvement over time;
(ii) include State assessment results and other indicators of student success and improvement, such as improved attendance during the school day, better classroom grades, regular (or consistent) program attendance, and on-time advancement to the next grade level; and
(iii) for high school students, may include indicators such as career competencies, successful completion of internships or apprenticeships, or work-based learning opportunities;
(B) a description of how data collected for the purposes of subparagraph (A) will be collected; and
(C) public dissemination of the evaluations of programs and activities carried out under this part; and
(15) provides for timely public notice of intent to file an application and an assurance that the application will be available for public review after submission.
(b) Deemed approval

An application submitted by a State educational agency pursuant to subsection (a) shall be deemed to be approved by the Secretary unless the Secretary makes a written determination, prior to the expiration of the 120-day period beginning on the date on which the Secretary received the application, that the application is not in compliance with this part.

(c) Disapproval

The Secretary shall not finally disapprove the application, except after giving the State educational agency notice and an opportunity for a hearing.

(d) Notification

If the Secretary finds that the application is not in compliance, in whole or in part, with this part, the Secretary shall-

(1) give the State educational agency notice and an opportunity for a hearing; and
(2) notify the State educational agency of the finding of noncompliance and, in such notification-
(A) cite the specific provisions in the application that are not in compliance; and
(B) request additional information, only as to the noncompliant provisions, needed to make the application compliant.
(e) Response

If the State educational agency responds to the Secretary's notification described in subsection (d)(2) during the 45-day period beginning on the date on which the agency received the notification, and resubmits the application with the requested information described in subsection (d)(2)(B), the Secretary shall approve or disapprove such application prior to the later of-

(1) the expiration of the 45-day period beginning on the date on which the application is resubmitted; or
(2) the expiration of the 120-day period described in subsection (b).
(f) Failure to respond

If the State educational agency does not respond to the Secretary's notification described in subsection (d)(2) during the 45-day period beginning on the date on which the agency received the notification, such application shall be deemed to be disapproved.

(g) Limitation

The Secretary may not give a priority or a preference for States or eligible entities that seek to use funds made available under this part to extend the regular school day.

20 U.S.C. § 7173

Pub. L. 89-10, title IV, §4203, as added Pub. L. 107-110, §401, Jan. 8, 2002, 115 Stat. 1767; amended Pub. L. 114-95, §4201, 129 Stat. 1986.


AMENDMENTS2015- Pub. L. 114-95 amended section generally. Prior to amendment, section related to State application, consisting of subsecs. (a) to (f).


EFFECTIVE DATE OF 2015 AMENDMENT Amendment by Pub. L. 114-95 effective Dec. 10, 2015, except with respect to certain noncompetitive programs and competitive programs, see section 5 of Pub. L. 114-95, set out as a note under section 6301 of this title.

The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Education.
State educational agency
The term "State educational agency" means the agency primarily responsible for the State supervision of public elementary schools and secondary schools.
The term "State" means each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and each of the outlying areas.
high school
The term "high school" means a secondary school that-(A) grants a diploma, as defined by the State; and(B) includes, at least, grade 12.
professional development
The term "professional development" means activities that-(A) are an integral part of school and local educational agency strategies for providing educators (including teachers, principals, other school leaders, specialized instructional support personnel, paraprofessionals, and, as applicable, early childhood educators) with the knowledge and skills necessary to enable students to succeed in a well-rounded education and to meet the challenging State academic standards; and(B) are sustained (not stand-alone, 1-day, or short term workshops), intensive, collaborative, job-embedded, data-driven, and classroom-focused, and may include activities that-(i) improve and increase teachers'-(I) knowledge of the academic subjects the teachers teach;(II) understanding of how students learn; and(III) ability to analyze student work and achievement from multiple sources, including how to adjust instructional strategies, assessments, and materials based on such analysis;(ii) are an integral part of broad schoolwide and districtwide educational improvement plans;(iii) allow personalized plans for each educator to address the educator's specific needs identified in observation or other feedback;(iv) improve classroom management skills;(v) support the recruitment, hiring, and training of effective teachers, including teachers who became certified through State and local alternative routes to certification;(vi) advance teacher understanding of-(I) effective instructional strategies that are evidence-based; and(II) strategies for improving student academic achievement or substantially increasing the knowledge and teaching skills of teachers;(vii) are aligned with, and directly related to, academic goals of the school or local educational agency;(viii) are developed with extensive participation of teachers, principals, other school leaders, parents, representatives of Indian tribes (as applicable), and administrators of schools to be served under this chapter;(ix) are designed to give teachers of English learners, and other teachers and instructional staff, the knowledge and skills to provide instruction and appropriate language and academic support services to those children, including the appropriate use of curricula and assessments;(x) to the extent appropriate, provide training for teachers, principals, and other school leaders in the use of technology (including education about the harms of copyright piracy), so that technology and technology applications are effectively used in the classroom to improve teaching and learning in the curricula and academic subjects in which the teachers teach;(xi) as a whole, are regularly evaluated for their impact on increased teacher effectiveness and improved student academic achievement, with the findings of the evaluations used to improve the quality of professional development;(xii) are designed to give teachers of children with disabilities or children with developmental delays, and other teachers and instructional staff, the knowledge and skills to provide instruction and academic support services, to those children, including positive behavioral interventions and supports, multi-tier system of supports, and use of accommodations;(xiii) include instruction in the use of data and assessments to inform and instruct classroom practice;(xiv) include instruction in ways that teachers, principals, other school leaders, specialized instructional support personnel, and school administrators may work more effectively with parents and families;(xv) involve the forming of partnerships with institutions of higher education, including, as applicable, Tribal Colleges and Universities as defined in section 316(b) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059c(b)), to establish school-based teacher, principal, and other school leader training programs that provide prospective teachers, novice teachers, principals, and other school leaders with an opportunity to work under the guidance of experienced teachers, principals, other school leaders, and faculty of such institutions;(xvi) create programs to enable paraprofessionals (assisting teachers employed by a local educational agency receiving assistance under part A of subchapter I) to obtain the education necessary for those paraprofessionals to become certified and licensed teachers;(xvii) provide follow-up training to teachers who have participated in activities described in this paragraph that are designed to ensure that the knowledge and skills learned by the teachers are implemented in the classroom; and(xviii) where practicable, provide jointly for school staff and other early childhood education program providers, to address the transition to elementary school, including issues related to school readiness.