20 U.S.C. § 107d-1
Any blind licensee who is dissatisfied with any action arising from the operation or administration of the vending facility program may submit to a State licensing agency a request for a full evidentiary hearing, which shall be provided by such agency in accordance with section 107b(6) of this title. If such blind licensee is dissatisfied with any action taken or decision rendered as a result of such hearing, he may file a complaint with the Secretary who shall convene a panel to arbitrate the dispute pursuant to section 107d-2 of this title, and the decision of such panel shall be final and binding on the parties except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
Whenever any State licensing agency determines that any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States that has control of the maintenance, operation, and protection of Federal property is failing to comply with the provisions of this chapter or any regulations issued thereunder (including a limitation on the placement or operation of a vending facility as described in section 107(b) of this title and the Secretary's determination thereon) such licensing agency may file a complaint with the Secretary who shall convene a panel to arbitrate the dispute pursuant to section 107d-2 of this title, and the decision of such panel shall be final and binding on the parties except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
20 U.S.C. § 107d-1
CODIFICATIONThe content of Pub. L. 93-516, including provisions of section 206 thereof which enacted this section, were originally contained in H.R. 14225, 93rd Congress, Second Session, which was pocket-vetoed during the 31-day intrasession adjournment of the 93rd Congress for the Congressional elections in November, 1974. Pursuant to an order of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (Kennedy v. Jones, D.C.D.C. 1976, 412 F.Supp. 353) H.R. 14225 was deemed to have become law without the approval of the President on Nov. 21, 1974, and was given the designation Pub. L. 93-651. Therefore, for purposes of codification, this section should be deemed to have been enacted by Pub. L. 93-651, title II, §206, Nov. 21, 1974, 89 Stat. 2-11, in exactly the same manner as it was enacted by Pub. L. 93-516.
PRIOR PROVISIONSA prior section 5 of act of June 20, 1936, which was classified to section 107d of this title, was renumbered section 4 by Pub. L. 93-516, §206.
- Federal property
- "Federal property" means any building, land, or other real property owned, leased, or occupied by any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States (including the Department of Defense and the United States Postal Service), or any other instrumentality wholly owned by the United States, or by any department or agency of the District of Columbia or any territory or possession of the United States;
- Secretary
- "Secretary" means the Secretary of Education;
- State
- "State" means a State, territory, possession, Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia;
- United States
- "United States" includes the several States, territories, and possessions of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia;
- vending facility
- "vending facility" means automatic vending machines, cafeterias, snack bars, cart services, shelters, counters, and such other appropriate auxiliary equipment as the Secretary may by regulation prescribe as being necessary for the sale of the articles or services described in section 107a(a)(5) of this title and which may be operated by blind licensees; and