16 U.S.C. § 2702
The Secretary, after consultation with the Commission, is authorized to make a loan to any municipality, electric cooperative, industrial development agency, nonprofit organization, or other person to assist such person in defraying up to 90 percent of the costs of-
The Secretary may cancel the unpaid balance and any accrued interest on any loan granted pursuant to this section if he determines on the basis of the study that the small hydroelectric power project would not be technically or economically feasible.
16 U.S.C. § 2702
REFERENCES IN TEXTThe Secretary, referred to in text, and the Commission, referred to in subsec. (a), mean the Secretary of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, respectively, see section 2602(3), (14) of this title.
- electric cooperative
- "electric cooperative" means any cooperative association eligible to receive loans under section 904 of title 7;
- existing dam
- "existing dam" means any dam, the construction of which was completed or on2 before July 22, 2005, and which does not require any construction or enlargement of impoundment structures (other than repairs or reconstruction) in connection with the installation of any small hydroelectric power project;
- industrial development agency
- "industrial development agency" means any agency which is permitted to issue obligations the interest on which is excludable from gross income under section 103 of title 26;
- nonprofit organization
- "nonprofit organization" means any organization described in section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) of title 26 and exempt from tax under section 501(a) of title 26 (but only with respect to a trade or business carried on by such organization which is not an unrelated trade or business, determined by applying section 513(a) of title 26 to such organization);
- small hydroelectric power project
- "small hydroelectric power project" means any hydroelectric power project which is located at the site of any existing dam, which uses the water power potential of such dam, and which has not more than 30,000 kilowatts of installed capacity;