- Section 221 - Establishment; boundaries
- Section 221a - Boundary changed
- Section 221b - Various laws made applicable to added lands
- Section 221c - Exchange of lands
- Section 221d - Relinquishment of interest in road
- Section 221e - Additional lands
- Section 222 - Administration, concessions, and privileges; contracts for sale of water
- Section 223 - Repealed
- Section 224 - Entries under land laws; toll road
- Section 225 - Laws applicable; easements and rights-of-way
- Section 226 - Omitted
- Section 227 - Utilization of areas for Government reclamation projects
- Section 228 - Buildings on privately owned lands
- Section 228a - Enlargement of boundaries; statement of purpose
- Section 228b - Composition of park
- Section 228c - Acquisition of lands within enlarged boundaries by donation, purchase, or exchange; transfer of jurisdiction over Federal lands
- Section 228d - Acquisition of State of Arizona or local lands by donation or exchange; approval for transfer to United States of Indian trust lands
- Section 228e - Cooperative agreements for protection and unified interpretation of enlarged park; scope of agreements
- Section 228f - Preservation and renewal of existing grazing rights within enlarged boundaries; term of renewal
- Section 228g - Aircraft or helicopter regulation within enlarged boundaries; procedure for promulgation of administrative rules and regulations
- Section 228h - Construction with existing Colorado River system reclamation provisions
- Section 228i - Havasupai Indian Reservation
- Section 228i-1 - Report to President
- Section 228j - Authorization of appropriations; availability of sums