15 U.S.C. § 5403
It shall be unlawful for a manufacturer or distributor, in conjunction with the sale or offer for sale of fasteners from a single lot, to knowingly misrepresent or falsify-
A direct or indirect reference to a consensus standard to represent that a fastener conforms to particular requirements of the consensus standard shall not be construed as a representation that the fastener meets all the requirements of the consensus standard.
A direct or indirect contractual reference to a consensus standard for the purpose of identifying particular requirements of the consensus standard that serve as specifications shall not be construed to require that the fastener meet all the requirements of the consensus standard.
In the case of fasteners manufactured solely to a consensus standard or standards, end-of-line testing required by the consensus standard or standards, if any, for the purpose of verifying that a lot of fasteners conforms with the grade identification marking called for in the consensus standard or standards to which the lot of fasteners has been manufactured shall be conducted by an accredited laboratory.
15 U.S.C. § 5403
PRIOR PROVISIONSA prior section 5403,Pub. L. 101-592, §45403,, 104 Stat. 2945, set out special rule under which Secretary could waive requirements of this chapter on determination that category of fasteners was not used in critical applications, but that Secretary could also determine in given case that fastener was used in critical applications and was governed accordingly, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 104-113, §11(c), Mar. 7, 1996, 110 Stat. 780.
EFFECTIVE DATE Pub. L. 106-34, §4(b), June 8, 1999, 113 Stat. 122, provided that: "Subsection (d) of section 4 of the Fastener Quality Act [15 U.S.C. § 5403(d)], as added by subsection (a) of this section, shall take effect 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act [June 8, 1999]."
- Secretary
- "Secretary" means the Secretary of Commerce;
- accredited laboratory
- "accredited laboratory" means a fastener testing facility used to perform end-of-line testing required by a consensus standard or standards to verify that a lot of fasteners conforms to the grade identification marking called for in the consensus standard or standards to which the lot of fasteners has been manufactured, and which- (A) meets the requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 25 (or another document approved by the Director under section 5411a(c) of this title), including revisions from time-to-time; and(B) has been accredited by a laboratory accreditation body that meets the requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 58 (or another document approved by the Director under section 5411a(d) of this title), including revisions from time-to-time;
- consensus standard
- "consensus standard" means the provisions of a document that describes fastener characteristics published by a consensus standards organization or a Federal agency, and does not include a proprietary standard;
- distributor
- "distributor" means a person who purchases fasteners for the purpose of reselling them at wholesale to unaffiliated persons within the United States (an original equipment manufacturer and its dealers shall be considered affiliated persons for purposes of this chapter);
- grade identification marking
- "grade identification marking" means any grade-mark or property class symbol appearing on a fastener purporting to indicate that the lot of fasteners conforms to a specific consensus standard, but such term does not include a manufacturer's insignia or part number;
- lot
- "lot" means a quantity of fasteners of one part number fabricated by the same production process from the same coil or heat number of metal as provided by the metal manufacturer;
- manufacturer
- "manufacturer" means a person who fabricates fasteners for sale in commerce;
- record of conformance
- "record of conformance" means a record or records for each lot of fasteners sold or offered for sale that contains- (A) the name and address of the manufacturer;(B) a description of the type of fastener;(C) the lot number;(D) the nominal dimensions of the fastener (including diameter and length of bolts or screws), thread form, and class of fit;(E) the consensus standard or specifications to which the lot of fasteners has been manufactured, including the date, number, revision, and other information sufficient to identify the particular consensus standard or specifications being referenced;(F) the chemistry and grade of material;(G) the coating material and characteristics and the applicable consensus standard or specifications for such coating; and(H) the results or a summary of results of any tests performed for the purpose of verifying that a lot of fasteners conforms to its grade identification marking or to the grade identification marking the lot of fasteners is represented to meet;
- represent
- "represent" means to describe one or more of a fastener's purported characteristics in a document or statement that is transmitted to a purchaser through any medium;