10 U.S.C. § 8544

Current through P.L. 118-107 (published on www.congress.gov on 11/21/2024)
Section 8544 - Civilian teachers: number; compensation

The Secretary of the Navy may employ as many civilians as he considers necessary to serve at the Naval Postgraduate School under the direction of the President of the school as senior professors, professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and instructors. The Secretary shall prescribe the compensation of those persons.

10 U.S.C. § 8544

Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 437, §7044; Pub. L. 108-375, div. A, title V, §557(a)(4)(A), Oct. 28, 2004, 118 Stat. 1915; renumbered §8544, Pub. L. 115-232, div. A, title VIII, §807(c)(1), Aug. 13, 2018, 132 Stat. 1836.

Revised sectionSource (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
7044 34 U.S.C. 1076b (less last sentence). July 31, 1947, ch. 420, §3 (less last sentence), 61 Stat. 706; Aug. 30, 1954, ch. 1076, §1(21), 68 Stat. 968.
The words "as many *** as he considers necessary" are substituted for the words "such number *** as in his opinion may be necessary for the proper instruction of students in the theoretical, academic, and scientific subjects pertaining to the technical and practical aspects of the naval profession" for brevity.


PRIOR PROVISIONSA prior section 8544, act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 527, restricted performance of civil functions by commissioned officers of Regular Air Force, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 90-235, §4(a)(6), Jan. 2, 1968, 81 Stat. 759. See section 973 of this title.

AMENDMENTS2018- Pub. L. 115-232 renumbered section 7044 of this title as this section. 2004- Pub. L. 108-375 substituted "President of the school" for "Superintendent".


EFFECTIVE DATE OF 2018 AMENDMENT Amendment by Pub. L. 115-232 effective Feb. 1, 2019, with provision for the coordination of amendments and special rule for certain redesignations, see section 800 of Pub. L. 115-232, set out as a note preceding section 3001 of this title.