- Section 2551 - Equipment and barracks: national veterans' organizations
- Section 2552 - Equipment for instruction and practice: American National Red Cross
- Section 2553 - Equipment and services: Presidential inaugural ceremonies
- Section 2554 - Equipment and other services: Boy Scout Jamborees
- Section 2555 - Transportation services: international Girl Scout events
- Section 2556 - Shelter for homeless; incidental services
- Section 2557 - Excess nonlethal supplies: availability for humanitarian relief, domestic emergency assistance, and homeless veterans assistance
- Section 2558 - National military associations: assistance at national conventions
- Section 2559 - Provision of medical care to foreign military and diplomatic personnel: reimbursement required; waiver for provision of reciprocal services
- Section 2560 - Aircraft and vehicles: limitation on leasing to non-Federal agencies
- Section 2561 - Humanitarian assistance
- Section 2562 - Repealed
- Section 2563 - Articles and services of industrial facilities: sale to persons outside the Department of Defense
- Section 2564 - Provision of support for certain sporting events
- Section 2564a - Provision of assistance for adaptive sports programs: members of the armed forces; certain veterans
- Section 2565 - Nuclear test monitoring equipment: furnishing to foreign governments
- Section 2566 - Space and services: provision to military welfare societies
- Section 2567 - Space and services: provision to WIC offices
- Section 2568 - Retention of combat uniforms by members deployed in support of contingency operations
- Section 2568a - Damaged personal protective equipment: award to members separating from the Armed Forces and veterans