10 U.S.C. § 603

Current through P.L. 118-78 (published on www.congress.gov on 07/30/2024)
Section 603 - Appointments in time of war or national emergency
(a) In time of war, or of national emergency declared by the Congress or the President after November 30, 1980, the President may appoint any qualified person (whether or not already a member of the armed forces) to any officer grade in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Space Force, except that appointments under this section may not be made in grades above major general or rear admiral. Appointments under this section shall be made by the President alone, except that an appointment in the grade warrant officer, W-1, shall be made by warrant by the Secretary concerned.
(b) Any appointment under this section is a temporary appointment and may be vacated by the President at any time.
(1) Any person receiving an original appointment under this section is entitled to service credit as authorized under section 533 of this title.
(2) An appointment under this section of a person who is not on active duty becomes effective when that person begins active duty under that appointment.
(d) An appointment under this section does not change the permanent status of a member of the armed forces so appointed. A member who is appointed under this section shall not incur any reduction in the pay and allowances to which the member was entitled, by virtue of his permanent status, at the time of his appointment under this section.
(1) An officer who receives an appointment to a higher grade under this section is considered to have accepted such appointment on the date of the order announcing the appointment unless he expressly declines the appointment.
(2) An officer who has served continuously since he subscribed to the oath of office prescribed in section 3331 of title 5 is not required to take a new oath upon appointment to a higher grade under this section.
(f) Unless sooner terminated, an appointment under this section terminates on the earliest of the following:
(1) The second anniversary of the appointment.
(2) The end of the six-month period beginning on the last day of the war or national emergency during which the appointment was made.
(3) The date the person appointed is released from active duty.

10 U.S.C. § 603

Added Pub. L. 96-513, title I, §105, Dec. 12, 1980, 94 Stat. 2850; amended Pub. L. 101-189, div. A, title VI, §653(a)(2), Nov. 29, 1989, 103 Stat. 1462; Pub. L. 102-190, div. A, title XI, §1113(b), (d)(1)(A), Dec. 5, 1991, 105 Stat. 1502; Pub. L. 116-283, div. A, title IX, §924(b)(3)(D), Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 3821.


AMENDMENTS2021-Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 116-283 substituted "Marine Corps, or Space Force" for "or Marine Corps". 1991- Pub. L. 102-190, §1113(d)(1)(A), substituted "Appointments in time of war or national emergency" for "Commissioned officer grades: time of war or national emergency" in section catchline. Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 102-190, §1113(b), struck out "commissioned" before "officer grade in the Army" and "in warrant officer grades or" before "in grades above major general" and inserted before period at end ",except that an appointment in the grade warrant officer, W-1, shall be made by warrant by the Secretary concerned". 1989-Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 101-189 substituted "terminates on the earliest of the following:" for "terminates-" in introductory provisions, and made numerous amendments to style and punctuation. Prior to amendment, subsec. (f) read as follows: "Unless sooner terminated, an appointment under this section terminates- "(1) on the second anniversary of the appointment; "(2) at the end of the six-month period beginning on the last day of the war or national emergency during which the appointment was made; or"(3) on the date the person appointed is released from active duty;whichever is earliest."


EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1991 AMENDMENT Amendment by Pub. L. 102-190 effective Feb. 1, 1992, see section 1132 of Pub. L. 102-190, set out as a note under section 521 of this title.

EFFECTIVE DATESection effective Sept. 15, 1981, but the authority to prescribe regulations under this section effective on Dec. 12, 1980, see section 701 of Pub. L. 96-513, set out as an Effective Date of 1980 Amendment note under section 101 of this title.


DELEGATION OF FUNCTIONS Functions of President under subsecs. (a) and (b) to make or vacate certain temporary commissioned appointments delegated to Secretary of Defense to perform during a time of war or national emergency, without approval, ratification, or other action by President, and with authority for Secretary to redelegate, provided that, during a national emergency declared by President, exercise of any such authority be specifically directed by President in accordance with section 1631 of Title 50, War and National Defense, and that Secretary ensure any authority so delegated be accounted for as required by section 1641 of Title 50, see Ex. Ord. No. 12396, §§2, 3, Dec. 9, 1982, 47 F.R. 55897, 55898, set out as a note under section 301 of Title 3, The President.

EX. ORD. NO. 13321. APPOINTMENTS DURING NATIONAL EMERGENCYEx. Ord. No. 13321, Dec. 17, 2003, 68 F.R. 74465, provided:By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and in order to further respond to the national emergency I declared in Proclamation 7463 of September 14, 2001 [50 U.S.C. 1621 note], I hereby order as follows:SECTION 1. Emergency Appointments Authority. The emergency appointments authority at section 603 of title 10, United States Code, is invoked and made available to the Secretary of Defense in accordance with the terms of that statute and of Executive Order 12396 of December 9, 1982 [3 U.S.C. 301 note].SEC. 2. Judicial Review. This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by a party against the United States, its departments, agencies, entities, officers, employees or agents, or any person.SEC. 3. Administration. This order shall be transmitted to the Congress and published in the Federal Register.George W. Bush.

Secretary concerned
The term "Secretary concerned" means-(A) the Secretary of the Army, with respect to matters concerning the Army;(B) the Secretary of the Navy, with respect to matters concerning the Navy, the Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard when it is operating as a service in the Department of the Navy;(C) the Secretary of the Air Force, with respect to matters concerning the Air Force and the Space Force; and(D) the Secretary of Homeland Security, with respect to matters concerning the Coast Guard when it is not operating as a service in the Department of the Navy.
active duty
The term "active duty" means full-time duty in the active military service of the United States, including sustained duty in the Space Force. Such term includes full-time training duty, annual training duty, and attendance, while in the active military service, at a school designated as a service school by law or by the Secretary of the military department concerned. Such term does not include full-time National Guard duty.
armed forces
The term "armed forces" means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, and Coast Guard.
commissioned officer
The term "commissioned officer" includes a commissioned warrant officer.
The term "grade" means a step or degree, in a graduated scale of office or military rank, that is established and designated as a grade by law or regulation.
The term "officer" means a commissioned or warrant officer.
The term "pay" includes basic pay, special pay, retainer pay, incentive pay, retired pay, and equivalent pay, but does not include allowances.
warrant officer
The term "warrant officer" means a person who holds a commission or warrant in a warrant officer grade.