Subchapter G - PENALTIES
- Section 155.201 - Penalties
- Section 155.202 - Nonpayment of Tax
- Section 155.203 - [Repealed]
- Section 155.204 - Concealment of Violation
- Section 155.205 - Misleading the Comptroller
- Section 155.206 - Refusing to Surrender Tobacco Products
- Section 155.207 - Permits
- Section 155.2075 - Fingerprints
- Section 155.208 - Misdemeanor
- Section 155.209 - Transportation of Tobacco Products
- Section 155.210 - Inspection of Premises
- Section 155.211 - Possession: Tax Due
- Section 155.212 - Books and Records
- Section 155.213 - Felony
- Section 155.214 - Overlap of Penalties
- Section 155.215 - Venue for Felony