Section 403.104 - Federal Resource Receipts Distribution Fund(a) The federal resource receipts distribution fund is a fund in the state treasury. Money received by the state under 30 U.S.C. Section 191 or 355 (1984) shall be deposited to the credit of the fund. The comptroller shall distribute money in the fund to each eligible county in the amount and manner and for the purposes provided by federal law and this section.(b) A county is eligible to receive funds under this section if federal land for which the state receives a portion of the money from sales, bonuses, royalties, or rentals under 30 U.S.C. Section 191 or 355 (1984) is located in the county. An eligible county is entitled to receive from the fund all of the money paid to the state and deposited in the fund from all sales, bonuses, royalties, and rentals received from federal public land located in the county.(c) Not later than the 10th day after the date that a county receives a payment from the comptroller under this section the county shall distribute the payment as follows: (1) 50 percent of the payment is available for distribution to the independent school districts located in whole or part in the county, with each school district receiving a proportionate share according to Subsection (d);(2) 15 percent of the payment is available for distribution to the incorporated municipalities located in whole or part in the county, with each municipality receiving a proportionate share according to Subsection (e); and(3) 35 percent of the payment is available for the county to retain.(d) The proportionate share of an independent school district is determined by multiplying the total amount of the payment available for distribution to school districts by the ratio that the average daily attendance for students who reside in the county and who attend that school district bears to the average daily attendance for all students who reside in the county and who attend any independent school district. However, if there are fewer than 10 independent school districts located in whole or part in the county and if an independent school district would receive under this formula less than 10 percent of the total payment available for distribution to independent school districts, the school district's share shall be increased to 10 percent of the total payment and the shares of the school districts that would receive more than 10 percent under the formula shall be reduced proportionately, but not to an amount less than 10 percent of the total payment. Each independent school district shall develop a reasonable method for determining the average daily attendance for students who reside in the county and who attend the school district.(e) The proportionate share of a municipality is determined by multiplying the total payment available for distribution to municipalities by the ratio that the number of residents of that municipality who live in the county bears to the total number of residents of all municipalities who live in the county. The number of residents shall be determined according to the most recent federal census.(f) Money from the fund may be used only for planning, for constructing and maintaining public facilities, and for providing public service.(g) The comptroller shall administer this section and distribute money from the fund to eligible counties as provided by this section and rules adopted under this section. The comptroller shall adopt rules establishing: (1) procedures for determining eligible counties and the amounts of money to be distributed from the fund to each of those counties;(2) methods for monitoring the uses and expenditures of the money; and(3) other methods and procedures necessary to carry out this section and federal laws and rules governing the money distributed.Tex. Gov't. Code § 403.104
Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. 9/1/1987.