Section 301.025 - Refusal to Testify(a) A witness called by either house or by a legislative committee does not have a privilege to refuse to testify to a fact or produce a document on the ground that the testimony or document may tend to disgrace the person or otherwise make the person infamous.(b) The legislature may require a person to testify or produce a document concerning a matter under inquiry before either house or a legislative committee even if the person claims that the testimony or document may incriminate him.(c) If a person testifies or produces a document while claiming that the testimony or document may incriminate him, the person may not be indicted or prosecuted for any transaction, matter, or thing about which the person truthfully testified or produced evidence.(d) A witness has a right to counsel when testifying before the legislature or a legislative committee.Tex. Gov't. Code § 301.025
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 479, Sec. 1, eff. 9/1/1985.