Section 29.0881 - Strong Foundations Grant Program(a) The commissioner shall establish and administer a strong foundations grant program for campuses or a program at a campus serving students enrolled in prekindergarten through grade five to implement a rigorous school approach that combines high-quality instruction, materials, and support structures.(b) The commissioner shall adopt components that school districts, open-enrollment charter schools, and campuses of the districts or schools must implement under the strong foundations grant program. The components must include:(1) use of high-quality instructional materials, curricula, and curricular tools;(2) use of aligned diagnostic and formative assessments;(3) aligned professional supports;(4) practices designed to ensure high-quality supports for students with disabilities;(5) evidence-based practices to increase and maintain parental engagement; and(6) measurement of fidelity of implementation of the program.(c) Grants provided under the strong foundations grant program may be in the form of funds, in-kind resources, or both.(d) The commissioner shall use funds appropriated, federal funds, and other funds available for the strong foundations grant program to assist school districts and open-enrollment charter schools in implementing the program.(e) A school district or open-enrollment charter school that receives grant funds under this section may use the funds to: (1) financially support or train or otherwise prepare educators and other staff; (2) pay for agreements with other entities to provide prekindergarten services; or (3) pay for accelerated instruction provided under Section 28.0211 . (f) The commissioner may accept gifts, grants, and donations from any source, including private and nonprofit organizations, for the program. A private or nonprofit organization that contributes to the program may receive an award under Section 7.113.Tex. Educ. Code § 29.0881
Amended by Acts 2023, Texas Acts of the 88th Leg.- Regular Session, ch. 404,Sec. 3, eff. 6/9/2023.Added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. 910 (H.B. 4545), Sec. 4, eff. 6/16/2021.