- Section 71-5-101 - Short title
- Section 71-5-102 - Purpose
- Section 71-5-103 - Part definitions
- Section 71-5-104 - Administration by department
- Section 71-5-105 - Powers and duties of department - Total number of ICF/MR beds - Certificate of need exemption for DIDD public ICF/MR non-facility beds established pursuant to federal litigation
- Section 71-5-106 - Determination of eligibility for medical assistance
- Section 71-5-107 - Kinds of medical services
- Section 71-5-108 - Payment methodology for medicaid enrollees not enrolled in medicare
- Section 71-5-109 - Expenditures not to exceed appropriation
- Section 71-5-110 - Application for medical assistance - Application for TennCare enrollment - Notice of change in application information
- Section 71-5-111 - Investigation - Determination of eligibility
- Section 71-5-112 - Hearing concerning eligibility
- Section 71-5-113 - Hearing concerning matters other than eligibility
- Section 71-5-114 - Subpoena and examination of witnesses
- Section 71-5-115 - Financial responsibility of relative - When may be considered - Reimbursement from responsible parties
- Section 71-5-116 - Lien on real estate - Claim against estate - Restrictions
- Section 71-5-117 - Recovery of benefits - State's right of subrogation - Assignment of insurance benefit rights - Commissioner authorized to require certain information identifying persons covered by third parties - State's right of action - Determination of subrogation interest - Attorney's fees - Remittance of net subrogation interest - Subrogation interest hearing - Legislative intent
- Section 71-5-118 - Contracts with vendors - Sanctions against vendors - Grounds for actions against providers - Administrative remedy to recover benefits from applicant - Collection activity report - Applicant warning - Prompt process of hospital presumptive eligibility applications
- Section 71-5-119 - Discrimination prohibited
- Section 71-5-120 - Residency requirement - Determination - Appeal
- Section 71-5-121 - Transfer of income or resources
- Section 71-5-122 - Statement of interest of vendors or suppliers holding equity interest in hospitals, apothecaries or nursing homes
- Section 71-5-123 - Statement of public officials as to interest in vendors or providers
- Section 71-5-124 - Duties of department of finance and administration
- Section 71-5-125 - Duties of fiscal review committee
- Section 71-5-126 - Medicaid expansion under federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act prohibited without joint resolution of General Assembly
- Section 71-5-127 - Conflict with federal law - Single state agency
- Section 71-5-128 - Contracts with health maintenance organizations - Requirements
- Section 71-5-129 - Charges for services of physician assistants
- Section 71-5-130 - Determination of payments to vendors - Audits
- Section 71-5-131 - Contributed funds
- Section 71-5-132 - Medicaid providers - Responsibilities - Changes in ownership or controlling interest
- Section 71-5-133 - Provision of information concerning Norplant and other contraceptives
- Section 71-5-134 - Rules and regulations - Funding medical assistance
- Section 71-5-135 - State unemployment health care benefits - Scope - Conditions
- Section 71-5-136 - Hold harmless requirements prohibited
- Section 71-5-137 - Disclosures required of persons associated with managed care organizations
- Section 71-5-138 - Compliance with provisions regarding authorizations for pharmacy services
- Section 71-5-139 - Protection of TennCare patients' federal and court ordered rights by health care providers receiving TennCare funds
- Section 71-5-140 - Deductions for dental services paid by eligible individuals in long-term care facilities
- Section 71-5-141 - Eligibility of aliens for medical assistance
- Section 71-5-142 - Confidentiality and disclosure of proprietary information
- Section 71-5-143 - TennCare advisory commission - Composition - Purpose - Expert assistance - Confidentiality - Conflict - Compensation
- Section 71-5-144 - Medically necessary items and services
- Section 71-5-145 - Cost effectiveness of providers
- Section 71-5-146 - Pharmacy lock-in program
- Section 71-5-147 - Personal needs allowance - Protecting nursing home residents from diversion of allowance
- Section 71-5-148 - Health care safety net for uninsured
- Section 71-5-149 - Disease management program
- Section 71-5-150 - Reimbursement for TennCare crossover payments
- Section 71-5-151 - Report on use of technical assistance groups of healthcare providers in developing episode of care
- Section 71-5-152 - Procedure to obtain data sets derived from all payer claims database - Use of data - Annual report
- Section 71-5-153 - Verification of information
- Section 71-5-154 - Annual report relating to coverage of mental health treatment
- Section 71-5-155 - Prior authorization for CRT or manual wheelchairs prohibited - Exceptions - Section definitions
- Section 71-5-156 - Development of policy regarding births involving neonatal abstinence syndrome and opiod use by women of childbearing age
- Section 71-5-157 - Establishment of state policy to avoid use of state funds for elective abortions
- Section 71-5-158 - Amendment to TennCare ll waiver relating to work and community engagement requirements for certain adult enrollees
- Section 71-5-159 - Complex rehabilitation technology
- Section 71-5-160 - Maintenance of coverage trust fund
- Section 71-5-161 - Hospital payment rate corridors
- Section 71-5-162 - Identification of child enrollees eligible for federal supplemental security income upon reaching 18 years of age - Counseling - Enrollment assistance
- Section 71-5-163 - Submission of waiver in order to provide medical assistance to TennCare ll waiver population by means of block grant
- Section 71-5-164 - Waiver for purpose of establishing Katie Beckett program
- Section 71-5-165 - Reimbursement of ambulance service provider that provides covered service to TennCare recipient
- Section 71-5-166 - Annual review of medications and forms of treatment for sickle cell disease, and services for enrollees with diagnosis of sickle cell disease, that are eligible for coverage under medical assistance program
- Section 71-5-167 - Physical address requirement for telehealth providers
- Section 71-5-168 - CPT code updates to include reimbursement of remote ultrasound procedures and remote fetal nonstress tests - Qualifications for reimbursement
- Section 71-5-169 - Section definitions - Reimbursement for non-opioid treatment to healthcare providers and hospitals
- Section 71-5-170 - Denial of non-opioid prescription in favor of opioid prescription prohibited
- Section 71-5-171 - Mental health services - Mandatory coverage and reimbursement
- Section 71-5-172 - 71-5-180 - Reserved
- Section 71-5-181 - Tennessee Medicaid False Claims Act - Short title
- Section 71-5-182 - Violations - Damages - Definitions
- Section 71-5-183 - Civil actions - Employee remedies
- Section 71-5-184 - Service - Limitations
- Section 71-5-185 - Venue
- Section 71-5-186, 71-5-187 - Reserved
- Section 71-5-188 - Actuarial study of TennCare
- Section 71-5-189 - Accounting of TennCare funds
- Section 71-5-190 - TennCare prescription drug utilization review committee
- Section 71-5-191 - Uniform TennCare claims process
- Section 71-5-192 - Information management system
- Section 71-5-193 - Children's mental health care - Development of interagency projects and programs
- Section 71-5-194 - Spend down eligibility for medical assistance
- Section 71-5-195 - Study on use of prescription drugs in nursing homes
- Section 71-5-196 - Veterans education benefits
- Section 71-5-197 - Authority over TennCare pharmacy purchases - Confidential information - Exemption from open meeting laws
- Section 71-5-198 - Prescription drug program waiver
- Section 71-5-199 - State preferred drug list