Section 62-6-402 - Part definitionsAs used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Board" means the state board for licensing contractors pursuant to § 62-6-104;(2) "Fixtures" includes, but is not limited to, toilets, sinks, tubs, whirlpool tubs, hot tubs and any faucets or water supply lines used in conjunction with the fixtures;(3) "General maintenance work" means installing home appliances and making minor repairs to home appliances and kitchen and bathroom fixtures where the labor cost related to the installation or minor repairs does not exceed five hundred dollars ($500);(4) "Home appliances" means any appliance using water or connected to a water line, including, but not limited to, water heaters, dishwashers, garbage disposals, washers, icemakers and other similar appliances; provided, that the energy source is not changed from electric to gas or from gas to electric;(5) "Limited licensed plumber" means any person who performs any plumbing work that has a total cost of less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) and who is required to be registered under this part; and(6) "Plumbing work" means the construction, alteration, repair, improvement, movement, demolition, putting up, tearing down or furnishing of labor to install material or equipment within any residential or commercial building of all piping, fixtures and appliances for the supply of gas, water, liquids or disposal of waste water or sewage; provided, that there is no intent to require licensure under this part for plumbing work performed outside a residential or commercial building, including, but not limited to, utility connections or irrigation systems.Acts 2004, ch. 826, § 3; 2006, ch. 570, § 2; 2007 , ch. 54, § 1.