- Section 62-35-101 - Short title
- Section 62-35-102 - Chapter definitions
- Section 62-35-103 - Exemptions from chapter provisions
- Section 62-35-104 - License required to act as contract security company
- Section 62-35-105 - Application for licenses - Filing - Form - Contents
- Section 62-35-106 - Qualifications of applicants
- Section 62-35-107 - Action upon applications - Investigations - Approval or denial of licenses
- Section 62-35-108 - Posting of license
- Section 62-35-109 - License not transferable or assignable
- Section 62-35-110 - Renewal of license
- Section 62-35-111 - Qualifying agent ceasing to perform duties
- Section 62-35-112 - Licensee to notify commissioner of certain changes in status
- Section 62-35-113 - Change in ownership - Application for license - Operation under old license
- Section 62-35-114 - Certificates of insurance - General liability coverage
- Section 62-35-115 - Registration cards - Guards, officers and agents
- Section 62-35-116 - Registration cards - Filing - Form - Fee - Contents - Change of registration status
- Section 62-35-117 - Registration cards - Qualifications of applicants
- Section 62-35-118 - Registration cards - Training and examination of applicants
- Section 62-35-119 - Registration cards - Investigation of applicants - Issuance or denial of cards
- Section 62-35-120 - Registration cards - Possession and exhibition - Notice of arrest and conviction
- Section 62-35-121 - Registration cards - Not transferable or assignable
- Section 62-35-122 - Registration cards - Expiration - Renewal - Refresher training
- Section 62-35-123 - Notice to commissioner prior to acting as proprietary security organization - Restrictions on carrying weapon - Proprietary security organization that has license or permit for on-premises consumption
- Section 62-35-124 - Registration cards - Notice concerning eligibility to hold
- Section 62-35-125 - Carrying of weapons by security guards/officers
- Section 62-35-126 - Certified trainers - Instructors
- Section 62-35-127 - Prohibited law enforcement representations on badges, insignias, vehicles or equipment
- Section 62-35-128 - Restrictions regarding military or police-style uniforms
- Section 62-35-129 - Administration and enforcement of chapter - Rules and regulations
- Section 62-35-130 - Disciplinary powers of commissioner - Civil penalties
- Section 62-35-131 - Regulation by municipalities, counties or other political subdivisions
- Section 62-35-132 - Reciprocal agreements with officials of other states
- Section 62-35-133 - Copies of chapter and rules
- Section 62-35-134 - Unlawful employments, publications and activities
- Section 62-35-135 - Administrative procedures regarding contested cases
- Section 62-35-136 - Penalty for violations
- Section 62-35-137 - [Repealed]
- Section 62-35-138 - Preemption of local regulations
- Section 62-35-139 - Limitation on exemption from licensing requirements
- Section 62-35-140 - Continuing education requirements
- Section 62-35-141 - Notification and uniform requirements for peace officers providing security outside of primary jurisdiction
- Section 62-35-142 - Private protective services in a restaurant licensed to sell alcohol
- Section 62-35-143 - Detection services licensing program - Detection services advisory committee