Chapter 3 - BARBERS
- Section 62-3-101 - Practice of barbering governed by board of cosmetology and barber examiners - Inspection - On-line training
- Section 62-3-102 - Reserved
- Section 62-3-103 - Reserved
- Section 62-3-104 - Reserved
- Section 62-3-105 - Acts constituting barbering
- Section 62-3-106 - Reserved
- Section 62-3-107 - Registration required for barbering, barber instruction or serving as technician
- Section 62-3-108 - Persons exempt
- Section 62-3-109 - Shop registration, styling, supervision and management - Barbering in other locations
- Section 62-3-110 - Qualifications for technicians and master barbers
- Section 62-3-111 - Duties of owner and manager of shop as to persons performing barbering services and conformance to chapter
- Section 62-3-112 - Time within which course of instruction to be completed
- Section 62-3-113 - Examination
- Section 62-3-114 - Reciprocity for technicians and barber instructors
- Section 62-3-115 - Reciprocity of master barbers
- Section 62-3-116 - Issuance of certificate
- Section 62-3-117 - Retired inactive licenses
- Section 62-3-118 - Display of certificate
- Section 62-3-119 - Renewal or restoration of registration
- Section 62-3-120 - Automatic renewal for inductees in armed forces
- Section 62-3-121 - Ground for refusal, suspension or revocation of certificate
- Section 62-3-122 - Barber schools - Certificate required
- Section 62-3-123 - Certification of barbering schools - Instructions - Services - Reporting
- Section 62-3-124 - Instructors - Certificates of registration - Continuing education
- Section 62-3-125 - Signs displayed by schools
- Section 62-3-126 - Payments to students - Business for profit prohibited
- Section 62-3-127 - Suspension or revocation of school certificate
- Section 62-3-128 - Rules and regulations - Enforcement powers of board
- Section 62-3-129 - Fees and penalties - Late renewal - System of renewals
- Section 62-3-130 - Penalty for violations
- Section 62-3-131 - Effect of response to signs of domestic violence or referral of client to resources or failure to respond or refer
- Section 62-3-132 - Animals permitted in barbershops
- Section 62-3-133 - Provisions governing hearings and judicial review
- Section 62-3-134 - Certificate of registration for mobile shop
- Section 62-3-135 - Residential barber certificate