Part 2 - TAXES
- Section 56-4-201 - Companies subject to tax - "Insurance company" defined
- Section 56-4-202 - Associations exempt
- Section 56-4-203 - State purposes only
- Section 56-4-204 - "Gross premiums" defined
- Section 56-4-205 - Tax on gross premiums - Due date for payment of tax - Minimum stipulated - Payment by travel insurer
- Section 56-4-206 - Tax on workers' compensation insurers
- Section 56-4-207 - Tax on self-insurers under compensation law
- Section 56-4-208 - Additional payment for fire insurance
- Section 56-4-209 - [Repealed]
- Section 56-4-210 - "Tennessee securities" defined - Reduction in tax for investments in state
- Section 56-4-211 - Credit for valuation of policies fees
- Section 56-4-212 - Period covered by payments
- Section 56-4-213 - Exemption from other taxes
- Section 56-4-214 - Liability after ceasing to transact new business
- Section 56-4-215 - Foreign companies - Tax upon business in force upon ceasing to transact new business - Failure to pay tax, penalty - Condition to obtain or renew license
- Section 56-4-216 - Delinquency
- Section 56-4-217 - Credit against franchise and excise taxes
- Section 56-4-218 - Reciprocity of treatment
- Section 56-4-219 - Refund of erroneously paid taxes
- Section 56-4-220 - Exemption of life insurance and annuity premiums
- Section 56-4-221 - In-state insurance companies - Reinsurance agreements with insurance company affiliates