- Section 55-8-101 - Chapter and part definitions
- Section 55-8-102 - Provisions refer to vehicles upon highways - Exceptions
- Section 55-8-103 - Required obedience to traffic laws - Penalty
- Section 55-8-104 - Obedience to police officers
- Section 55-8-105 - Persons riding animals or driving animal-drawn vehicles
- Section 55-8-106 - Public officers and employees - Exceptions
- Section 55-8-107 - Persons working on highways - Exceptions
- Section 55-8-108 - Authorized emergency vehicles
- Section 55-8-109 - Obedience to any required traffic-control device
- Section 55-8-110 - Traffic-control signals - Inoperative signals
- Section 55-8-111 - Pedestrian-control signals
- Section 55-8-112 - Flashing signals
- Section 55-8-113 - Display or sale of unauthorized signs, signals or markings
- Section 55-8-114 - Interference with official traffic-control devices or railroad signs or signals
- Section 55-8-115 - Driving on right side of roadway - Exceptions
- Section 55-8-116 - Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions
- Section 55-8-117 - Overtaking and passing of vehicles
- Section 55-8-118 - Overtaking and passing on the right
- Section 55-8-119 - Limitations on overtaking and passing on the left
- Section 55-8-120 - Further limitations on driving to left of center of roadway
- Section 55-8-121 - No-passing zones
- Section 55-8-122 - One-way roads and rotary traffic islands
- Section 55-8-123 - Driving on roadways laned for traffic
- Section 55-8-124 - Following too closely
- Section 55-8-125 - Driving on divided highways
- Section 55-8-126 - Restricted access
- Section 55-8-127 - Restrictions on use of controlled-access roadway
- Section 55-8-128 - Vehicle approaching or entering intersection
- Section 55-8-129 - Vehicle turning left at intersection
- Section 55-8-130 - Vehicle entering through highway or stop intersection
- Section 55-8-131 - Vehicle entering highway from drive, private road, or private driveway
- Section 55-8-132 - Operation of vehicles and streetcars on approach of emergency vehicle and when approaching certain stationary vehicles
- Section 55-8-133 - Pedestrians subject to traffic regulations
- Section 55-8-134 - Pedestrians' right-of-way in crosswalks
- Section 55-8-135 - Crossing at other than crosswalks
- Section 55-8-136 - Drivers to exercise due care
- Section 55-8-137 - Pedestrians to use right half of crosswalks
- Section 55-8-138 - Pedestrians on roadways
- Section 55-8-139 - Limitations on where person may stand along roadway
- Section 55-8-140 - Required position and method of turning at intersections
- Section 55-8-141 - Turning on curve or crest of grade prohibited - Penalty
- Section 55-8-142 - Turning movements - Signal for stop or decrease in speed
- Section 55-8-143 - Signals for turns
- Section 55-8-144 - Signals by hand and arm or signal device
- Section 55-8-145 - Obedience to signal indicating approach of train or other on-track equipment - Penalty
- Section 55-8-146 - All vehicles must stop at certain railroad grade crossings - Statutes not to affect common law right of recovery - Penalty
- Section 55-8-147 - Certain vehicles must stop at all railroad grade crossings
- Section 55-8-148 - Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossings
- Section 55-8-149 - Requirements for stop signs - Vehicles and streetcars must stop at stop signs - Penalty
- Section 55-8-150 - Emerging from alley, driveway or building
- Section 55-8-151 - Overtaking and passing school, youth or church bus - Markings - Discharging passengers - Penalties - Installation of cameras on school buses
- Section 55-8-152 - Speed limits - Penalties
- Section 55-8-153 - Establishment of speed zones
- Section 55-8-154 - Minimum speed regulation - Turnouts - Passing bays - Penalties - Inapplicable to farm tractors or implements of husbandry
- Section 55-8-155 - Special speed limitation on motorscooter - Penalty
- Section 55-8-156 - Special speed limitations - Penalties
- Section 55-8-157 - Charging violations
- Section 55-8-158 - Stopping, standing or parking outside of business or residential districts, and entrance or exit ramps of highways
- Section 55-8-159 - Officers authorized to remove illegally stopped vehicles
- Section 55-8-160 - Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specific places - Penalty - Exceptions for disabled veterans and persons with physical disabilities
- Section 55-8-161 - Additional parking regulations
- Section 55-8-162 - Unattended motor vehicles - Unattended vehicles containing medical or hazardous waste - Penalty and liability - Application to utility - Inapplicability to ADS-operated vehicle
- Section 55-8-163 - Limitations on backing
- Section 55-8-164 - Riding on motorcycles
- Section 55-8-165 - Obstruction of driver's view or interference with driver's control - Penalties
- Section 55-8-166 - Driving on mountain highways
- Section 55-8-167 - Coasting prohibited - Penalties
- Section 55-8-168 - Following fire apparatus prohibited - Penalty
- Section 55-8-169 - Crossing fire hose - Penalty
- Section 55-8-170 - Putting glass, nails and other substances on highway prohibited - Penalty
- Section 55-8-171 - Operation of bicycles and play vehicles - Penalty - Effect of regulations
- Section 55-8-172 - Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles - Penalty
- Section 55-8-173 - Riding on bicycles - Playing and use of play vehicles - Penalties
- Section 55-8-174 - Clinging to vehicles - Penalty
- Section 55-8-175 - Riding on roadways and bicycle paths - Penalty
- Section 55-8-176 - Carrying articles on bicycles - Penalty
- Section 55-8-177 - Bicycle lamps and brakes - Penalties
- Section 55-8-178 - Regulations governing nonmotor vehicles and animals - Penalty
- Section 55-8-179 - Use of raised identifying cane or blaze orange dog leash restricted to blind or deaf persons - Penalty
- Section 55-8-180 - Pedestrians led by guide dog or carrying identifying cane given right-of-way - Penalty
- Section 55-8-181 - Rights and duties of motorcycle or autocycle operator
- Section 55-8-182 - Operation of motorcycles on laned roadways
- Section 55-8-183 - Funeral processions
- Section 55-8-184 - Indication of ownership on traffic control signs, signals, markers or devices - Unlawful possession - Penalty
- Section 55-8-185 - Use of off-highway motor vehicles on highways
- Section 55-8-186 - Responsibility for illegal parking
- Section 55-8-187 - Obscene or patently offensive bumper stickers, window signs, or other markings prohibited
- Section 55-8-188 - High occupancy vehicles - Lanes
- Section 55-8-189 - Transporting child in truck bed
- Section 55-8-190 - Street sweeper operation - Liability
- Section 55-8-191 - Operation of low speed and medium speed vehicles - Prohibitions - License
- Section 55-8-192 - Use of portable electronic device by school bus drivers
- Section 55-8-193 - Excessive noise from motor vehicles
- Section 55-8-194 - Required training for emergency vehicle drivers
- Section 55-8-195 - Rules and regulations directing truck tractors and semitrailers to specific lanes on certain highways
- Section 55-8-196 - Attendance at driver education course in county of residence
- Section 55-8-197 - Failure to yield right-of-way
- Section 55-8-198 - Citations based on unmanned traffic enforcement cameras
- Section 55-8-199 - Prohibited uses of wireless telecommunications devices or stand-alone electronic devices