- Section 53-7-201 - Short title
- Section 53-7-202 - Part definitions
- Section 53-7-203 - Ante mortem and post mortem inspections - Quarantine, seizure, tagging, and destruction or reprocessing - Procedures
- Section 53-7-204 - Inspection and sanitary standards for official establishments for slaughtering or processing of livestock or poultry
- Section 53-7-205 - Official inspection marks and required labeling - Conforming products acceptable for intrastate commerce - False or misleading labels
- Section 53-7-206 - Prohibited acts
- Section 53-7-207 - Compliance with law required for operation
- Section 53-7-208 - Records required - Inspection - Retention
- Section 53-7-209 - Exemptions
- Section 53-7-210 - Violations - Injunctive action
- Section 53-7-211 - Violators entitled to notice and hearing preceding reports of violations to district attorney general - Alternatives to criminal prosecution
- Section 53-7-212 - Cease and desist orders
- Section 53-7-213 - [See Note] Commissioner to promulgate rules and regulations (§ 53-7-213)
- Section 53-7-214 - [See Note] Relation of part to other laws (§ 53-7-214)
- Section 53-7-215 - Cost of inspections borne by department of agriculture - Exception
- Section 53-7-216 - License required for the operation of an establishment - Application
- Section 53-7-217 - Revocation or suspension of license - General provisions for hearings and appeals
- Section 53-7-218 - Exclusive method of reviewing orders of commissioner - Disposition of confiscated property
- Section 53-7-219 - Fees for licenses and inspections
- Section 53-7-220 - Licensing of custom slaughterers - Fee
- Section 53-7-221 - [See Note] State cooperation with federal and local entities - Expenditure funding