- Section 49-1-601 - Assignment of student for purpose of calculating graduation rate
- Section 49-1-602 - [See Note] Performance designations for LEAs based on performance goals and measures (§ 49-1-602)
- Section 49-1-603 - Value added assessment system
- Section 49-1-604 - Mixed model methodologies
- Section 49-1-605 - Annual estimates of school district effects on student progress in grades three through eight (3-8)
- Section 49-1-606 - Annual estimates of teacher effects on student progress in grades three through eight (3-8)
- Section 49-1-607 - Noncompliance with security guidelines for TCAP or successor test
- Section 49-1-608 - Subject matter tests for secondary schools - Initiation of value added assessment
- Section 49-1-609 - Exclusion of student performance on assessments administered in 2020-2021 school year to assess student readiness for postsecondary education - Exception for higher performance designation for the school or LEA
- Section 49-1-610 - New test questions - Formative assessment question banks
- Section 49-1-611 - Reports - Removal or appointment of school board members
- Section 49-1-612 - Alternate assessment for students with cognitive disabilities
- Section 49-1-613 - [See Note] Annual school improvement plans (§ 49-1-613)
- Section 49-1-614 - Achievement school district
- Section 49-1-615 - Establishment of the teacher professional development fund
- Section 49-1-616 - [Repealed] Reserved
- Section 49-1-617 - Development of policy by which student scores on achievement tests comprise percentage of final grade in certain subjects in grades three through eight - Optional policy for grades nine through twelve
- Section 49-1-618 - Establishment of review period for verification of accountability data files and determinations prior to public release
- Section 49-1-619 - Changes to formula used to calculate school or LEA performance goals and measures - Stakeholder input
- Section 49-1-620 - Annual report of information related to state, LEA, and school level indicators of postsecondary readiness by graduating class