- Section 49-1-201 - Powers and duties of the commissioner
- Section 49-1-202 - Divisions
- Section 49-1-203 - Waiver of state board rules
- Section 49-1-204 - Driver education and training courses in public schools
- Section 49-1-205 - Support and assistance for family life education
- Section 49-1-206 - Preschool/parenting learning centers for teen parents
- Section 49-1-207 - Innovative educational programs
- Section 49-1-208 - Form for student to report allergy
- Section 49-1-209 - Management information system
- Section 49-1-210 - Standards of fiscal accountability
- Section 49-1-211 - Annual report by commissioner
- Section 49-1-212 - Fiscal analysis required of any policy, rule, or regulation that will financially impact an LEA
- Section 49-1-213 - Technical assistance
- Section 49-1-214 - Safe schools - Advisory guidelines
- Section 49-1-215 - Training for teachers relating to attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity
- Section 49-1-216 - Report on academic performance of historically underserved student groups
- Section 49-1-217 - State library coordinator
- Section 49-1-218 - Establishment of guidelines for release of education data for research purposes
- Section 49-1-219 - Advisory guidelines for reporting DUI-related deaths of minors
- Section 49-1-220 - Study of best practices - Study requirements - Resources to be used for study - Study report deadline
- Section 49-1-221 - Internet acceptable use policy - Requirements for provider of digital or online resources - Complaints
- Section 49-1-222 - Certificate of licensure for educators
- Section 49-1-223 - Asthma - Development of comprehensive state plan - Report
- Section 49-1-224 - Education Pays Act - Award of rewards - Funding
- Section 49-1-225 - School safety alert grant pilot program - Appropriations and awarding of funds - Report to general assembly
- Section 49-1-226 - Adoption of core standards in subjects beyond math and English language arts prohibited
- Section 49-1-227 - Compilation of list of laws related to rights of students, parents, or legal guardians - Posting of list on department website
- Section 49-1-228 - [See Note] School grading system - State report card - Implementation - Notice (§ 49-1-228)
- Section 49-1-229 - Dyslexia screening procedures - School based problem solving team - Dyslexia advisory council
- Section 49-1-230 - Development of training programs for adverse childhood experiences
- Section 49-1-231 - Student support collaborative
- Section 49-1-232 - Computer science courses - Professional development program in computer science education - Incentives - Computer science education network
- Section 49-1-233 - Mathematics support - K-8 teacher training
- Section 49-1-234 - Landscape analysis of mathematics proficiency - Committee review - Report of findings