- Section 42-2-201 - Administration of chapter
- Section 42-2-202 - Office and expenses of department
- Section 42-2-203 - Municipal airports
- Section 42-2-204 - State airports
- Section 42-2-205 - Operation and use of state airports and facilities
- Section 42-2-206 - State airways
- Section 42-2-207 - Contracts by department of transportation
- Section 42-2-208 - Exclusive rights not to be granted - Effect of section
- Section 42-2-209 - Rules, regulations and standards of department
- Section 42-2-210 - Licensing of air schools and aeronautics instructors
- Section 42-2-211 - Licensing of airports
- Section 42-2-212 - Investigations - Hearings
- Section 42-2-213 - Federal-state joint hearings - Reciprocal services - Accident reporting
- Section 42-2-214 - Use of state and municipal facilities and services
- Section 42-2-215 - Enforcement of aeronautics laws
- Section 42-2-216 - Orders - Notice and opportunity for hearings - Judicial review
- Section 42-2-217 - Exchange of violations information
- Section 42-2-218 - Funds expendable for promotion of aeronautics
- Section 42-2-219 - Certificates of public convenience and necessity - Granting - Fees
- Section 42-2-220 - Cooperation with federal agencies
- Section 42-2-221 - Air schools - Establishment and maintenance
- Section 42-2-222 - Audits of municipalities receiving state aid - Withholding aid where funds improperly used
- Section 42-2-223 - Department as agent for municipalities and airport authorities in receiving certain federal funds - Exceptions
- Section 42-2-224 - Procedure, rules and regulations governing department - Statutes governing procedure before Tennessee public utility commission applicable
- Section 42-2-225 - Reporter - Official record - Transcripts
- Section 42-2-226 - Proceedings before hearing examiners
- Section 42-2-227 - Structures - Regulations governing - Permits - Authority of department