Section 40-12-104 - Application to testify by person having knowledge of commission of offense(a) Any person having knowledge or proof of the commission of a public offense triable or indictable in the county may testify before the grand jury.(b) The person having knowledge or proof shall appear before the foreman. The person may also submit the sworn affidavits of others whose testimony the person wishes to have considered.(c) The person shall designate two (2) grand jurors who shall, with the foreman, comprise a panel to determine whether the knowledge warrants investigation by the grand jury. The panel may consult the district attorney general or the court for guidance in making its determination. The majority decision of the panel shall be final and shall be promptly communicated to the person along with reasons for the action taken.(d) Submission of an affidavit which the person knows to be false in any material regard shall be punishable as perjury. An affiant who permits submission of a false affidavit, knowing it to be false in any material regard, is guilty of perjury. Any person subsequently testifying before the grand jury as to any material fact known by the person to be false is guilty of perjury.Acts 1978, ch. 727, § 1; modified; T.C.A., § 40-1626; Acts 1995, ch. 213, §§ 1-4.